A/N Quick introduction

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Hey guys! 

Yes you read it correctly! I am about to start a new book! Don't worry I'll still continue Opening up but I wanted to write a story like this for months now so here it is! Please read this warning/introduction chapter and stay tuned to dive in to the life of y/n Stark :)

I just wanted to give a quick warning before any of you read this book. 

For everyone that is here through my tiktok or new, hi! For everyone that is here because of my previous book, be prepared and read this warning!

This book will contain:


-Detailed smut

-Detailed violence




-An ED

-Trauma(both physical and mental)

-Self harm

(This book might contain more triggers but these are the triggers I feel obligated to warn you about)

Also, keep in mind that this is my first time writing a book filled with detailed smut and fluff. I write from my desired perspective so a lot of the plots displayed in this book might not meet real life standards. 

Another thing to remember, I am Dutch. This means English is not my native language and this book might contain some grammar and vocabulary mistakes. Please don't come at me lmao. 

Last but not least, I won't be posting regularly. Sometimes I'll post 2/3 times a week and sometimes i'll post once a month. The reason for this is me being in my final year of highschool meaning I have a lot to do. I hope y'all can accept this :)

I hope you enjoy Spiralling and feel free to leave suggestions(that follow the storyline) in the comment section. Don't forgetto vote and add the book to your reading list! 

Have fun loves <3

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