Chapter 9

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"What is it maximoff? What about y/n?" Tony asked questioningly followed by Nat raising her eyebrow at me. "I know where she is.." 


-Wanda's pov-

"How do you mean you know where she is? How do you know? Wanda what the hell" "I don't know where she is precisely but I do know what they want and where our chances are highest of finding her." "How do you know Wanda, have you had contact with her?" "This propably sounds crazy but I could hear her scream and call out for me. She was in pain Nat, she is suffering. We have to get her out of there. I've tried to reach her mind again but I can't. It seems like it's a one way connection." "Alright, this is totally not weird, not weird at all. We'll just follow the voices in your head. Sure." Is this guys being serious right now? Does he not know how my powers work? 

I rolled my eyes and scooted closer to Nat, putting my head on her shoulder. "We'll bring her home soon my love." Nat only nodded but I could see the pain in her eyes. "I'll leave you love birds alone, let's go Katniss they need their quality time." Tony pulled Clint out the room and slammed the door shut. Nat chuckled weakily. "Hey, talk to me. What's wrong Nat?" She sighed. "She's in pain Wanda, in so much pain that she triggered a connection betweent he two of you." I brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Atleast we know she is alive, and if they are torturing her they won't kill her anytime soon. We've got time." "No we don't, every second she is there she is in danger. You know y/n. If what you are saying is true, and she is being tortured to get back under their control, she won't be able to handle it." "She is strong Nat" "Yeah I know she is, I am not saying she isn't. I am saying she won't be able to handle living with that woman again. She'll kill herself." I sighed. "Just like you are doing to yourself right now?" "This has nothing to do with me Wanda!" She yelled defensively.

"Wow easy, we're on the same team here remember. You and me." I caressed her face and brushed another strand of hair from her face. I pulled closer to me and gave her a soft peck on the lips. "I love you, and we'll bring y/n home. You've got to trust that." "I love you too." Nat gently pushed me down on the bed and we cuddled for awhile, while watching some sitcom. Not much longer I noticed her steady breathing and smiled to myself. I bend forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Sweet dreams my love."

-Y/n's pov-

"You are taking longer than I expected you to" Miss Dorothea said slightly annoyed. "Maybe you underestimated me don't you think? I am not 17 anymore." I retorted. "Oh sweetheart, I definitely did not underestimate you. I think it's time for the real work, don't you think Yelena?" Miss Dorothea turned towards another girl of the group, but this girl seemed to be atleast 8 years older than the others. The girl smirked when she noticed me looking at her. "Yelena has only been with us for a couple of weeks but she's the reason we tracked you, and if I am not mistaken you know her sister." "Her sister? Who the hell are you talking about?" 

I tried to keep my eyes on the blonde woman in front of me. She did't have bruises like the other girls, there was something different about her. She didn't grew up here but she most definitely didn't grow up in a nice place either. "You know my sister, Natalia" "Natalia? Sorry to disappoint but I don't know anyone with tha- Wait. Wait, wait wait. Do you mean Natasha. Natasha Romanoff?" The blonde woman chuckled. "That's the one." "Yes I know Natasha, and if you know her too... You know she is coming for me." 

Miss Dorothea stepped in and chuckled. "Sweet naive girl. Let her come, you won't be here much longer. Yelena  here is going to take you somewhere. I can't say you'll enjoy, cause you most definitely won't, but you will learn some important lessons you have clearly forgotten." "возьми ее"(take her). Yelena moved forward in one swift movement and pulled me up from the chair. "Давай, двигайся"(Let's go, get moving). "I am sorry, I don't speak russian or whatever the hell that language is. "Move your ass" "Yes ma'am". I might have reacted a little sarcastic and unbothered but honestly I was terrified. I never thought there could be a place worse than Miss Dorothea's group home. But I guess there is, atleast if what miss Dorothea is saying is true. 


I followed the woman through the alley behind the group home and contemplated wether or not I should speak up or stay silent. I chose the first option, that was a mistake. "Honestly, where are you taking me? And how come you and Natasha are sisters, you are out here threathening people while she is busy saving the world. Big difference." "She is not really my sister. We were raised together but we're not blood related" "Makes sense.." I whispered. "What was that?" "Nothing. Where are we going?" "The place that raised me, you'll soon find out more about Natasha her past 'принцесса'"(princess). "What did you say?" "I said, if you don't shut up in the next few seconds, I'll rip your heart out." A shiver crawled up my spine and I grew silent. "That's what I thought". 


-Nat's pov-

"Wake up котенок" (kitten). I gently nudged Wanda in order to get her to wake up. "five more minutes, please." "I am sorry my love but we got to get up. We're running late." Wanda sighed and pulled the covers over her head. "I am going down to the common room, I'll get you some coffee. Go take a shower and get fight-ready." Wanda nodded and I gave her a kiss on the forehead before walking out. 

I walked out the apartment and took the elevator down. "You know, you look much happier and healthier." "I am Steve. We're bringing our girl home today." "Don't get your hopes up to high. This might be a set up aswel. Maybe they found out about the connection between Wanda and y/n you know." "Yes, that may very well be true but what are we without hope? What are we without keeping faith in seeing our loved ones again? The only way of getting her back is by holding on." Steve nodded and fell into a comfortable silence.

When the elevator got down to the common room floor we walked out and split up. I walked straight to the kitchen and started to prep Wanda's coffee while making myself some tea. I grabbed a bagel from the basket for Wanda and placed it on a plate. I finished my tea and took Wanda her bagel and coffee back upstairs. 

"Knock knock" "Come on in Nat" I walked in and looked Wanda, dressed in her signature dark red look up and down. "What you looking at?" She asked innocently. "I am looking at the easiest way to rip of your clothes right here, right now." "Nat!?" Wanda asked all flustered, making me smirk. "I brought you some breakfast. I handed her the coffee and placed the bagel on the counter. "Are you sure you know where she is Wanda?" "I think I do Nat, although I haven't heard or felt anything last night, I know she is still alive. She has to be" "I trust your gut Wanda, you don't have to explain it to me. We'll find her." "Yeah we will, now go get yourself ready aswel, I'll meet you down in 10" I nodded and went to get ready myself.


-Steve's pov-

"Alright, we are going in blind and on nothing more than a hunch. But that hunch is all we got so we've got to take it seriously. Barnes, Wilson. You two get down the the east entrance of the building." both men nodded. "Stark, I want eyes from above" "Copy that captain" "Barton, Maximoff. The two of you will enter from the south. Nat and I will find our way through the main entrance." "On our way captain" Barton spoke and he and Wanda went on their way. "Seems like it's us left now, isn't it?" "It sure is" "Let's go"

"We're in cap" "Alright barnes, stay hidden. We don't want them to notice you guys just yet." "Yeah about that.." A high pitched sound filled my ears and than both barnes' and Wilson's coms cut out. "Damn it" Nat hissed. "Stark, you got eyes?" "It seems like there are a lot of people captain. Friday is trying facial reg ri- what the hell. I thought you killed this guy Romanoff!" "Who the hell are you talking about Stark" "Hello Natalia, it's been a while hasn't it?"



Heyyyy another update! Yes I know, 3 chapters in 3 days, shocking. I had quite some time these past days so why not? Hope y'all enjoy.

Who is joining this madness? Someone familiar? Find out more next time :)



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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