The Avengers

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"It's been enough. I'm letting go" with that I close my eyes, spread my arms and fall into the depts of my unconsciousness. 


"WANDA! Get Bruce!" I hear a female voice scream. "Hey stay with me ok. It's going to be ok. You're ok" the soothing voice of the woman hovered over me is strangely comforting. I feel a sharp pain in my side and my heart is aching at my failed attempt but the way this woman is speaking to me is making me feel as if someone actually cares. For the first time in a long time I have some sort of hope. 

"What happened Natasha?" a man approaches me and the woman whose name seems to be Natasha. I quickly sit up and back away. Natasha looks at me worried and the man stops immediately. "Hey it's ok, he is not going to hurt you ok?" I look up to Natasha and move closer to her. She makes me feel safe. "Do you mind if he checks you for any injurys?" Grap, they'll see my scars. "Please no..." the first thing I've said since they saved me. "Alright, then we won't. Lets get you inside" Bruce steps forward to help Natasha pick me up but I back away instantly and make myself as small as possible. "Bruce, let me and Natasha do it. She is clearly terrified of something" The other redheaded woman steps forward. "I'm sorry..." I say weakly to the man, still not making eye contact. "Thats ok, I am not here to hurt you" he smiles kindly. "Lets get her inside Wanda" Natasha says. 

Natasha and Wanda help me down the hill and support me while we walk towards a massive building, the Avengers compound. We arrive at the front door and as the doors open there are people everywhere. A lot of men and women run around with high tech devices and dressed in suits, cat suits, stealth gear and lab coats. I tightened my grip on Natasha's arm as we walked through the crowd to the elevators. "I'm here. No need to worry" she whispers as she pulls me closer to her.

I sigh deeply as we finally get into the elevator. "Where are we going?" I ask genuinely. "To the avengers lounge" Wanda says as she smiles sweetly. I nod and follow them, still holding Natasha's hand. 

We walk through the halls for a while but we soon reach a giant door. "Alright, Natasha turns me towards her. There are around 5 men in there and the other are out training right now. They won't hurt you but I need you to be prepared because they have no idea we brought you with us" she says kindly. I look up to her and I immediately drown away in those emerald green eyes. Damn. I nod and take a deep breath. "I got this" I say as confidently as possible. Bruce opens the door and we are immediately greeted by 5 curious pairs of eyes. 

I so don't got this. 

I feel my chest tighten and my stomach twist. I take another deep breath and try to stay focused. I won't panic, not again anyway. "Hey guys, so this is y/n. We met her at the hill behind the compound earlier" Wanda thankfully leaves out what almost happened. "Hi y/n I am Steve" A tall muscular blonde man says walking over to me, though he stops the second he sees me step back. He looks at Natasha questioningly and I immediately feel bad. "I'm sorry..." I whisper almost inaudible. "It's no problem" he says reassuringly. 

The other men in the room introduced themselves briefly as well. I met Tony Stark the billionaire, Thor Odinson who is a literal god, Peter Parker aka spiderman. He is 5 years you ger than me and he is really sweet. Somehow I am not scared around him. He has this aura around him that would make everyone feel loved. And last but not least there was Vision. I am not sure what he is but I chuckle as I hear Tony call him a toaster. The first time I've laughed in a while. 

"Alright, I'll show you your room. Is that ok with you?" Natasha says. "My room? Wait you actually want me to live here?" "Ofcourse we do love" Wanda says. God why do I feel like this? She only said 'love' and my legs feel like Jell-o. I know I wont be able to find my words to say anything to the both of them so I just nod and follow them out the room and up the stairs. 

"Your room is next to mine and across from Wanda. We are the only ones on this floor so no need to worry. If anything happens you can always knock on our doors" Natasha explained as we walked down the hall. We stopped in front of what I thought to be my new room. Natasha opened it and we walked inside. "Alrigth so there are some clothes in the closet, they are mine and wanda's but you can take them. We can go out shopping tomorrow though. If you'd like that is" Natasha says fidgeting with her rings nervously. "I'd love to" I say smiling brightly. "Alright we'll let you settle down" The two redheads were about to leave my room as I realised something. "Wanda, Natasha wait. Whata bout what happened uhm today..?" "You can tell us when you are ready to talk about it. We won't push you in any way" "I want to tell you but maybe tomorrow because I am actually really tired" "Thats alright love" Wanda says. "Yeah and btw, you cab call me Nat. It's shorter. She smiles while making eye contact. 

Those emerald green eyes of Natasha and Wanda saying 'love'. They are messing with my brain. Not more than 4 hours ago I tried to kill myself and now I am here surrounded by kind and loving people with Jell-o like knees over two gorgeous women. God how I hate myself for falling so quickly. I always fell for someone quickly but this time was a record breaking time, trust me. They propably think about me like some pathetic little child or something but I really need them, especially now. 

Wanda and Nat had left the room and I looked around. I decided it would be best to take a shower and wash all the stress and complications from today away. I picked out some pyjama like shorts and a t-sirt and let the shower run. I undressed and got into the shower. The hot water immediately ran down my skin, stinging a little. I washed my hair with the new found shampoo and conditioner and got out of the shower. I brushed my hair with my fingers and got dressed in the clothes I picked earlier. 

A big yawn escaped my mouth as a wave of tiredness hit me. I really needed some rest. Today has been tough on me but I am glad things turned out the way they did. I hop onto the king size bed and crawl under the covers. I check my phone one last time only to find I have a dozen missed calls from miss Dorothea. "Oh god.." My breath hitches as I press play on the voicemail. "You little bitch! Where the hell are you! I though I made it really clear yesterday that you come home right after school! Don't ignore me as if you have any worth! You are a nobody for whom there is no place in this world" I stop the video as tears run down my face. I can't go back there. She is right, I have no place in this world. Wanda and Nat are only nice because they find me pathetic. 

My breathing pace picks up and I soon enough start to hyperventilate. A panic attack, great. My body shiffers and my mind is a mess as I keep replaying he voicemail. Tear stream down my face as I curl up into a ball. 

Suddenly the door flies open and Nat runs in followed by Wanda. Nat pulls me up and before I know it I'm on her lap still shaking. She hugs me tightly and Wanda joins the hug. "Don't make me go back there!" I practically beg them as I sob into Nat's shoulder. "Don't worry sweetheart we won't" She reassures me as she draws circles on my back still holding me close. It doesn't take me long to finally drift off into a much needed sleep. 


A/n- Hey love, yes you! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Anything specific you want to read in this book? Just tell me and maybe I'll use it :) 

It is currently 1 am as I am writing this so don't come for me lmao

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