Chapter 7

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"Please come home y/n"


-Y/n's pov-

"Hello!?" I yelled. "I know you're there!" I tried to get a reaction from the silhouette I faintly noticed staring at me in the shadows. I am pretty sure a day has passed since they took me. The sun started to come up about 30 minutes ago, which I concluded from the light that started to fill the room. I haven't closed my eyes since they brought me in, not even for a second. Eventhough I have been here for about a day I only noticed the silhouette in the shadows 10 minutes ago. I have no idea how long they've been there for but I am quite sure they haven't been there very long. 

"Will you shut up? You've been yelling for hours and it's giving me a headache. I honestly do not get why mother wanted you." The silhouette spoke for the first time. I guess they have been there for a while after all. "Mother? Who is mother and who the hell are you!?" 

-Nat's pov-

"I swear to God Tony, you better hurry with your so called Avenger-tracker or I might just give you some insight on what 12 year old me endured!" I threatened. Although it was nothing but a weak attempt at threatening the billionaire, it seemed to work. 

"Nat? Why don't we give Tony some space to work?" "We need to find her Rogers" I replied hastily. I know, andwe will, just not by fighting eachother alright? Walk with me and we'll make sure you and Tony both get off eachothers skin." STeve said sympethatic, yet stern. "Fine" I scoffed and let him lead me out the room, leaving a relieved Tony behind. 


"When was the last time you ate or drank something?" Steve questioned once we arrived at his apartment and he had sat me down on the couch. "I don't know, yesterday afternoon? Yesterday morning maybe. I replied not really remembering or caring wether I had eaten or not. "Look Tasha," Steve sighed. "I know you care about y/n and hate feeling powerless but you gotta believe Tony's plan is gonna work, and you have got to start taking care of yourself. It won't help y/n if our best spy is down. We need you, and the plan will work. You've got to have faith." He sat beside me on the couch and gave me a peanutbutter sandwich. I chuckled at the gesture. "It better does Steve, cause I don't know what I am going to do if it doesn't." Steve sighed and pulled me to his chest. "It's all going to be ok Nat." 

-Y/n's pov- 

"Lookk, I don't know who you are or what you want from me but I am positive I can't give it to you." I said to the silhouette in the shadows. "Oh but you can dear. You can and you will." suddenly and all to familiar voice filled the room and footsteps came closer. "Why!?" I knew the voice and fear clasped my throat.  "What could I possibly give to you that I haven't already!" I yelled at the person I knew would be behind me now. "Please..." I tried to soften my voice and mask my fear. "Please just tell me what you want so I can give it to you and I can go home." I begged for them to let me go. Shivers crawled up my spine as they came closer. "Now what would be the fun in that?" The woman that had been a silhouette in shadows spoke up with a smirk plastered across her face. "No Saskia, she is home." The voice I had tried to ban from my mind for weeks spoke again and brushed her hand across my face. "She is home". I gulped. "Please let me go" "I am afraid I can't do that y/n. I need my thursday girl back in business" Finally the woman stepped out from behind me and let herself be seen, but God how I had wished she had remained a part of the shadows. 

-Steve's pov-

"Are you positive?" I looked at Tony who was standing in front of me with a tablet. A red dot sitting on the screen.  "I haven't had any shut eye in 36 hours, she is there Steve. Where is Nat? We have to go before we lose the signal" "Yeah, yeah ofcourse. I'll go get her" I said, still not believing Tony did it. 

I walked down the corridor and once I arrived at Nat's apartment I walked straight in. I looked around the room and smiled to myself when I noticed she was asleep. I crouched down in front of her and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Wake up Nat". Honestly I am surprised and a little worried that she didn't wake up the second I walked in but I guess she just really needs the rest. 

"Wake up Nat" I tried again, and this time her eyes shot open and she practically jumped out of bed, knive in her hand. "Wow wow easy there widow, it's just me. It's just me." I put my hands up in defense as Nat realized who was in front of her. "Oh my God, Steve I am so sorry! I didn-" "ssh It's ok, we're ok" I gave her a squeeze and it seemed to calm her down. 

"What's up Steve?" Nat asked as she situated herself on the bed. I sat down beside her and smiled. "Tony found her. He picked up her signal with the tracker and we know where it is." Nat's expression changed and tears formed in her eyes. Eventhough I saw them and knew how she felt, she switched back to her cold and fierce expression real fast. "Let's go bring our girl home." 


-Wanda's pov-

"Y/n!?" I yelled as I flung open the door with my powers. Nat, Tony, Steve, Bucky and Sam followed me and we split up to cover more ground quicker. "Y/n!?" I yelled again. "y/n where are you!?"


"Hello? Who's there?" I yelled, readying my powers in the process. "Wanda Maximoff, Natalia Alianovna Romanova, Steven Grant Rogers, James Buchanan Barnes, Anthony Edward Stark, Samuel Thomas Wilson. How quint of you to join us." The voice said, their amusement shining through.

"Let y/n go!" Nat yelled as she came walking closer to me. Side by side all of us started to walk in the direction the voice was coming from. "We're almost on top of y/n's tracker" Tony informed us. We continued to move towards the tracker and once we were literally on top of y/n's tracker a chair emerged from the dark. Blood stained ropes tied to it and the tracker, a knive and a pudle of blood on top of it. From a phone beside the chair the voice spoke again: "She's not here you know, but I liked the show. You migth want to put her out of your minds because she is not coming back." The voice cut off and the phone screen went dark. "Damn it!" Bucky threw the phone across the room and we all watched in silence as the phone shattered to pieces against the wall. 

I swallowed the lumb in my throat but it wouldn't go away, I noticed Nat stumble and turn as white as a ghost. Steve rushed to her side and reached her just in time before she collapsed in his arms. He held her tightly as I looked at Nat worriedly. "She's gone? She can't be gone. No she's no-, I can't lo-, she's-" Nat choked on her own words. Nat broke down crying in Steve's arms and I quickly rushed over aswel. "I can't lose her Wanda, I can't" 



Hey guys!! Long time no see.. A lot has happened and I just haven't been in the right place with myself to continue the story. I decide to write 2 chapters on paper first because than I have more motivation to publish it. This is the first out of 2 chapters I have written so the other one will be up today aswell :) For the next month I don't think I'll update again since my final highschool exams start on may 12th and I need to study the upcoming 2 weeks. 

I hope you liked this chapter and that you'll enjoy the next one!


Who the hell took y/n? How does y/n know them? Thursday girl? Never coming back? What is going on with Nat? 

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