❀ - "All hands stuck on deck"

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Yooo two posts in a day bc I slacked off checkkk anyways so like sorry if I dont update every day like I used to bc like Im rlly sick with smth, idk might be something intestinal. Anyways, BACK TO YOUR REGULAR GAY PROGRAMMING
-Dumbass Liar

POV - Ruv


I stood on the balcony, thinking.
Sarv and Carol somehow got it right.
I may have a small tiny intrest in Whitty, but that's it!.. Probably.

At that moment, the door opened and shut behind very quietly. “Carol and Sarv aren't out here, are they?” Whitty asked me. I shook my head, sipping my coffee again.

He slouched onto the railing close to me, seemingly tired. “Thank the lord.. Sarv and Carol have been trying to get answers out of me all morning.. And then they said they'd just leave for a bit and come back for answers.”

“So they're on your back, too?” I asked. “Yep. And im assuming from that, they've been on yours, too.” I nodded, going to take another sip, then realising I drank it all.

“hmph.. I'm dry, i'll be right back.” I went to go inside. I tried the handle, when my heart jumped into my throat.

“..what?” Whitty turned around when I turned the handle again. “...it's locked.” I answered, my worry going up by the second.

“You're joking.” Whitty uttered. “No, otherwise i'd be inside right now.” I answered. He took the handle himself and turned and twisted and pushed and pulled and

We were stuck on the porch unless one of us wanted to jump down 10 stories or climb onto the roof and go through a very tight ventilation system.

I pulled out my phone to text Sarv, when suddenly I saw I had two unread text messages.


[ 11:10 a.m. ]

Sarv🌸 < Can you tell me now? ]

Sarv🌸 < Or now? ]

Sarv🌸 < pls Ruv I just wanna help you get with Whitty! ]

Sarv🌸 < Fineee don't tell me ]

Sarv🌸 < btw Carol locked you guys on the deck and I told her to unlock it but she didn't so I hope you'll be alright until like 12 p.m. ]

Sarv🌸 < Ok byeee ilyy💕 ]

or a full moment, I stared, hoping this wasn't true. “Carol locked us out on purpose.” I uttered, looking at Whitty who was trying to bust down thr door. “Please tell me you're also joking.” Whitty asked.

I shook my head, and responded, trying to get her to come back.

Sarv🌸 < Fineee don't tell me ]

Sarv🌸 < btw Carol locked you guys on the deck and I told her to unlock it but she didn't so I hope you'll be alright until like 12 p.m. ]

Sarv🌸 < Ok byeee ilyy💕 ]

[ wait what > Me


Sarv🌸 < ok and🤨 ]

Sarv🌸 < thought so ]

Sarv🌸 < ok ill be back later gl ]

[ wtf do you mean "gl" > Me

Sarv🌸 < Ykwim ]

I did know what she meant, unfortunately.

“The fuck are we gonna do now..” Whitty uttered, frustrated.

Now wasn't the best time, Sarv... I thought.

I looked over at Whitty and gulped. There are better times to tell him, right? There had to be..


POV - Whitty


I sat down on the railing, looking at the bustling streets. I had just barely gotten over my frustration by one fact and one fact alone.

Suddenly it crossed my mind again.
I was alone with Ruv on the balcony. Now just might be a good time to confront my crush..

“Hey Whitty.”
He asked before I could start.
“Hm?” I said, signaling I was listening.

“..um.. im.. this probably sounds weird. But how do you talk to someone.. That.. You like a lot?” Ruv looked off, his face blushing.

I was crushed. Ruv liked someone else. I tripped over my words. “I- Um.. I would say that you should just go for it. The worst they can do is say no, right?” I tried to give the best answer.

He nodded and laid his head on the deck railing.
“...Whitty, will-”

Suddenly the door opened.
“There you nerds are. Cmon I bought KFC but I get all the tenders.” Carol said.

Ruv went inside, but before he did, I grabbed his shoulder. “What were you saying?” I asked. “Nevermind.. I'll tell you later..”
Ruv took my hand off and went inside.

I huffed and followed inside.

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