Asking out

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I sat in the car wondering what my mom wanted to talk to me about. Soon enough we were at Meredith and Dereks house when we walked in I said hi to Derek, Meredith, Zola and Bailey. It's around 13:30pm so I just put on some sweatpants and a jumper just to be in comfy clothes for the day. I went downstairs and my mom told me that they where gonna just order pizza for dinner and I told her that's fine. When the pizza came my mom went and paid for it and we all sat down on the couch and ate the pizza. Once I was finished I went upstairs and just sat in my room for a little and I waited for my mom to come up because I knew she wanted to talk to me shout something. 15 minutes later my mom knocked on the door.

*knock knock*
Y/N: come In.
Amelia: hi hun I would like to ask you a question and I want to see if you're okay with it.
Y/N: okay mom you can tell me anything *you grab Amelia's hand*
Amelia: okay so as you know I am bisexual. *you nod*

Little background on how we know Amelia's bisexual
When you were about 13 Amelia came out to you. She came out to you at that age because she felt that you were old enough to understand. You told her that you supported her and that there wasn't anything wrong with being bisexual.
End of the background.

Amelia: So you know Arizona *you nod* well Im thinking about asking her out on a date tomorrow when I go to the hospital. I just wanted to check if you're okay with that.
Y/N: Mom of course I'm okay with that. I like Arizona she seems nice.
Amelia: okay, I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable with me going out on a date with someone. I love you.
Y/N: I love you too mom.

*No ones POV*
Amelia went downstairs back to Derek and Meredith while Y/N stayed upstairs and just watched one of her shows that she likes.

Amelia's POV
I walked downstairs to Meredith and Derek. Is already told them that I'm going to ask Arizona out on a date and of course they supported me. Derek was the first person I told that I was bisexual.

Time skip to 22:00 (10pm)
I went into the bathroom at 10pm and I washed my body and my hair I got out of the shower and dried my body and my hair before putting my damp hair into a bun. When I put my hair up into a bun I brushed my teeth and did my skin care. When I came out of the bathroom I took my hair out of the bun and turned on the hair dryer and dried my hair and I straightened it. After I finished all that I went downstairs to get a bottle of water and seen my mom, Meredith and uncle Derek sitting on the couch.

Amelia: Hi Y/N are you okay?
Y/N: Hi mom, I'm just getting a bottle of water than I'm going to go to bed because I'm pretty tired.
Amelia: Okay sweetheart goodnight I love you
Y/N: goodnight mom love you too. Goodnight Meredith and uncle Derek
Meredith: Goodnight Y/N
Derek: goodnight Y/N

*No ones POV*
Y/N went upstairs and laid down on her bed on top of her duvet covers she then turned on criminal minds after watching it for around a half an hour she fell asleep while criminal minds was still on. Amelia came upstairs to check on Y/N and to go to bed when she went in to check on Y/N she seen that she fell asleep watching criminal minds she went over and got the remote of her TV and knocked it off she then put the covers over Y/N and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Amelia went into her bedroom and got changed into her pjs brushed her teeth and fell asleep thinking about asking Arizona out the next day.
*time skip to the next morning*
Amelia woke up at 7am got ready she got dressed and  brushed her teeth after she brushed her teeth She went into Y/N's room and she was still asleep Amelia shook her gently and she woke up a little.

Amelia: Hey Y/N/N do you want to come to the hospital with me today or do you want to stay home I'm pretty sure Meredith will be home today.
Y/N: Hi mom I think I'm gonna stay home today.
Amelia: Okay sweetheart, I love you go back to sleep for another little bit.
Y/N: Okay mom I love you and good luck with asking Arizona out on a date today
*Amelia laughs* thank you sweetheart.

*No ones POV*
Amelia got into her car and drove into the hospital she was repeating what she was gonna say to Arizona. When she got to the hospital she checked the patient her and Arizona did a surgery on as she walked in Arizona came behind her and stood beside her when they checked that everything was fine with the little girl and as they both walked out Amelia asked Arizona could she speak to her after their shift is over....

(Not proof read<3)
Hii I hope you're having a good morning/evening/night lol
Sorry I did not update yesterday when i started writing this I started back school lol
I feel like I'm dragging this out and I'm sorry 😭
Hope you all like this chapter and if you want could you please give some feedback 💕

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