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After you fell asleep on Amelia's lap and she put a blanket around you. They both decided to pause the movie and just talk to each other.

Amelia: I'm glad we moved in to your house with you *she smiles*
"I am too I love you and Y/N so much" Arizona said.
*Amelia smiles at Arizona and pecks her on the lips* "I love you too and Y/N loves you too.
*Arizona smiles* " I think we should all go up to bed now"
*Amelia smiles* "I think we should"

"Y/N love I think you should go up to bed" Amelia says
You start to stir awake and you slowly open your eyes and get up off your moms lap.
You smile at her "hi"
"Hi sweetheart let's all go up to bed now"
"Okay mom" Y/N says
Amelia, Y/N and Arizona all go upstairs. Y/N said goodnight to her mom and Arizona and said she loved them both. They both said that they love her too. That was the first time Y/N said that she loved Arizona so Arizona was so happy and had a big smile on.

*Time skip to the morning*

I woke up and didn't feel to well I then realised it was 4AM I went downstairs to get a bottle of water from the fridge. I put it on the counter but it fell and rolled off the counter and made a loud noise. I hoped no one heard it because it was 4AM. I stayed still for a little just to see if I could hear my moms and Arizona's door open but I couldn't so I picked up the water bottle and walked upstairs slowly still feeling a little ill. When I get to the top step and to the hall I see my mom and Arizona's bedroom door open and Arizona came out and she seen me.

"Hey are you okay I heard something down stairs I was about to go check it out" Arizona said.
"Hi, yes sorry that was me I was getting a bottle of water and I put it on the counter and it fell I'm sorry for waking you" Y/N said.
"No, no it's okay you didn't wake me" Arizona said

Arizona noticed that you didn't really look that well.

"Hey you look a little pale are you okay" Arizona said
"I woke up not feeling that well but I'm sure it will be okay tomorrow morning" Y/N said
"Okay hunny well I'll see you in the morning I hope you feel better" Arizona said
"Goodnight Arizona, love you" Y/N said
"Love you too" Arizona said.

*time skip to the morning*

Amelia's POV
I woke up next to Arizona it was around 10AM and we are both not in work today.
"Good morning"  Amelia said.
"Good morning" Arizona said.
"Is Y/N awake?" Amelia said.
"I'm not sure. She was awake last night at 4AM" Arizona said.
Amelia looked confused "why was she awake at 4AM?" Amelia said.
"She was getting a bottle of water but it fell so that's how I knew she was awake because I heard it fall. She looked a little ill maybe she's still feeling Ill." Arizona said.
"Im gonna go check on her okay" Amelia said
*Arizona nods*

Amelia went to go check on you. She knocked on your door and when she didn't hear an answer she slowly opened the door and seen you still asleep in bed. She went over to feel your head and you were really hot. You slowly started to wake up because you felt her hand on your head.

"Hi sweetheart are you feeling okay" Amelia said
"No Mom I'm not really feeling well." You said.
"Okay Arizona said that you didn't feel well last night either" Amelia said
"yeah I didn't but I thought I would have feeling better by now" you said
"Okay well I'll go get you some medicine okay and then you can rest" Amelia said.
"Okay mom, love you"  You say
"I love you too, sweetheart" Amelia says

Amelia went down stairs and told Arizona that you are still not feeling well so your gonna be staying in bed. She then goes back upstairs to give you a water bottle and medicine.

"Here you go sweetheart" Amelia said
"Thanks mom" you say
"Of course hunny you get some rest and I'll be back to check you later ok?" Amelia said
"Okay mom love you" you say
"Love you too" Amelia said

Hii I'm sorry I haven't been writing much but I'm having writers block atm.
(Not proof read)

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