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Amelia's POV
Its a few hours after I told Arizona and Y/N that we are going away in 2 weeks to Disneyland. I'm awake and everyone else in the house is asleep, well I'm assuming Y/N is asleep but I know that Arizona is because she's next to me asleep. I'm awake thinking about our lives in the next few years does Arizona want more kids? Will she even want to get married to me? I look at the clock and it's 3am I decide to go check on Y/N to see if she's asleep. I went to her bedroom and knocked on the door there was no answer so I think she's asleep, I opened the door to check and she was but she was asleep on top of her covers so she must have went asleep watching something. I went over and put the duvet covers over her and kissed her head. I went back to Arizona and i's room and seen it was late so I decided that I need to go to sleep.

*1 week till Disney*
Nothing has really happened over the past week. Arizona and I are in work and Y/N stays home to do school work or sometimes she comes with us and we either drop her home in the middle of the day or when we are leaving. We have a week left till we are going to Disney.

*skip to where yous are waking up to go because i have no clue what to write*

Today is the day that we go to Disney. All go out bags are packed, Arizona and i are awake we have to go wake Y/N now and we both know she's terrible for waking up so I let Arizona go try and wake her up first.

Arizona's POV
Amelia asked me to go wake Y/N up our flight is at around 5:30am so we are awake really early so we can get through security and do all that stuff. I knock on her door and she didn't answer me so I'm assuming she was asleep so I quietly went into her and shook her softly she groaned and turned over so she wasn't facing me and I giggled a bit at her.

Arizona: Y/N come on you need to get up to get ready, you can sleep on the plane.
Y/N: No Zona I don't want to get up, I'm too tired.
I smile at the nickname I like that she switches between mama and nicknames.
Arizona: C'mon you can sleep on the plane
You start to slowly get up and rub your eyes
"Okay fine" you reply still feeling like you're in a bad mood

*your POV*
Arizona gives you a kiss on the forehead and you start to get ready. You have a blanket in your backpack and your iPad and all so you have something to do on the plane even though more than likely you'll sleep. You start to get ready after you've adjusted to waking up. You brush your teeth and wash your face and then put your toothbrush and the stuff you wash your face with into your toiletry bag and then into your suitcase. Now you are getting into your outfit you have picked something comfy for the plane.

 Now you are getting into your outfit you have picked something comfy for the plane

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A/n: I'm sorry if you don't like this it's the only comfortable thing I seen.

After I got ready I went downstairs. All of our bags are downstairs now. I said good morning to mom and she told me uncle Derek was gonna drop us to the airport I double checked I had everything and so did mom and mama and we did so we went out to Dereks car. I still wasn't in the mood because I was still tired.

Mom and Derek where talking and zona stayed in the back with me so I laid my head on her shoulder and went asleep for a few minutes until I was woken up again because we where at the airport. We checked our bags in and now we where going through security. This is the most stressful part of going away. We get through anyways and go up to out gate.

We wait around an hour before we get called to get in our plane. I show the man my boarding pass and passport and gave them back to mom because I didn't want to lose it. Me, mom and mama were all sitting beside each other, I'm at the window seat , mom is in the middle and Arizona is on the last seat.

I watch as the plane takes off and start to feel tired again so I rest my head on moms lap and go to sleep.

A/n hiii next part will be in zonas and Melias POV.
Idk if I'm doing well on this story so could you please give feedback
Also if you like the show The fosters I have another story out about that so you should check it out ;)
I'm also really sorry it's short

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