Chapter 3

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Dear Michael,

I woke up my sweet love. I woke up and you weren't there. I wasn't in our bed. I wasn't in your arms. I was in a hospital room with my parents.

When I opened my eyes they cried, and cried some more. They held me and cried. My father said something that made me so very confused Michael. He said "I thought I wasn't going to be a dad anymore." I don't understand. Why would he think such a thing.

My mother told me I had been in a car accident. The last person I was in a car with was you. You didn't get hurt, did you? We were on our way to a movie. That's the last thing I remember. Why would that cause my dad to think he lost me?

Not only are my parents freaking out, my body is scarred. Not from the self harm you helped me recover from. There were scars that looked like they had once been impossibly deep. A small blade could never do that. Michael, I'm scared.

The doctors that came in when I woke up looked at me as if I were a mythical creature. They told me it was a miracle I was alive. I am so lost in all of this. Why is everyone treating me as if I died and came back to life?  Why aren't you here if I was in such an accident?

My doctors won't let me go to sleep, and I can hardly move. I feel like I haven't gotten up in months. That's silly though, I was with you just last night. This is a puzzle I cannot piece together.

For some odd reason the doctors won't let me go home. Please come visit me Michael. I love you my little kitten.


Lost Love➣M.C (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora