Chapter 11

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Dear Michael,

I have been here for a month now. You show up every few days. Those days are never good. It seems that each time I see you, people think I'm more crazy than before.

I always try and tell you how much I love you. It's become obvious that you don't love me anymore. Who would love a girl like me? I have become a monster this past month.

I used to never have anything but a smile on my face, my sweet Michael. That smile was caused by you. Now the smile has been turned into tears. Different emotions, same damn person causing it. You.

I see a therapist almost every day. Every day they ask me about you. You seem like the main topic in all of my sessions. I wish they would change the subject. It hurts my entire being to hear your name.

I've taken up self harm again, and I'm so sorry. Your name is carved in my legs and arms. Some are bigger or deeper than the others. But the feeling stays they same with every slash.

The day you tell me you Love me again. The day you look at me in the eyes. The day you show you care. That will be the day I throw away the tiny blades I was given by the little suicidal girl down the hall.


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