Chapter 7

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Dear Michael,

I hate my parents. They're absolutely insane. "Honey, we need to talk." I was expecting a divorce talk. I was expecting them to yell at me for ruining the car in the accident. What I got was so much worse. "Michael, he isn't here." You were sitting right next to me. You were right there and they were saying that you weren't real.

"Did I just make a nearly two year relationship up in my head? Bullshit." I yelled at them. I was so mad. You just sat there with a blank look in your beautiful eyes. I grabbed a picture of us off of the table. It was from prom. "You think I just made this up? You're fucking bat shit crazy!" God, I was so mad. Why would they say such a stupid fucking thing?

I left the house, you followed. I walked around the city for hours. It was 2:12am when that damn cop came. My parents called the cops on me. They called the damn cops because they were worried about me. I tried to get you into the car, but you didn't follow me. You stared at me. The cop tested me for drugs Michael. They said I was talking to myself, yelling at myself. I was so hurt, and you didn't even get in the car. You left me Michael, you fucking left me in the cop car. You made me look like a crazy person.

My parents won't leave my side. They are worried about me and they wont leave me alone. They don't even acknowledge that you're in the room with me. They just look past you. I hate them. They say you aren't real, and they ignore you. What has gotten into them? What's gotten into you? Snap back into it. Come back to me, the way you're supposed to be.


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