Chapter 17

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Dear Michael,

My birthday was today. It's also been two months that I've known Ashton. It's also been a year since you died.

This is such a terrible day. Yet I'm glad I have at least one person to spend it with.

I was diagnosed with anorexia the other day. I can't take my pills, and they put the pills in my food. So I don't eat, because I want to see you.

Ashton and I sat in my room today and talked for hours. He told me band stories. He showed me the videos you boys posted together on YouTube. It tore me to bits, yet made me smile at the same time.

You were so happy. You were filled with so much talent. All of you were. You would have gotten huge if you boys made it. You would have your names everywhere.

When it was time for therapy, you finally showed up. You didn't say anything. You just sat on the floor and you cried. I cried too.

I miss you Michael. Happy birthday to me. Happy deathday to you. I love you.


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