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Heather's POV

I had a great time with Jai. He is very sweet and all. There is something about him that is different but I don't know what.

And also he's getting very clingy with me and I don't like that.

Thankfully yesterday was both of us being normal and all.

I remember when we started high school that he pushed me down the stairs by accident and I hated him for about three months. Yeah, or the time I 'accidentally' dropped the bowling ball on his foot. Yeah. that was payback for pushing me down the stairs.

I'm never telling him that it was a "accident" if you get what I mean.

My phone starts buzzing so I check it.

PanDan: you in school?

Me: No..Over uhh slept?. awk. Why?

PanDan: can I get a ride? My car is in the shop..

Me: if you buy me lunch?

PanDan: chipotle?

Me: deal. be there in ten

I grab my bag and keys. I walk out and make my way to my car. I start the ignition and make my way to Daniel's house. I arrive at his house at in about eleven minutes.

Daniel comes running out putting his left Hugg on. I giggled at his silliness.

"Want to get Starbucks before school?" Daniel asked while getting in.

"Sure, we have time. It's not like we are twenty minutes later anyways" I giggled.

"You should wake up earlier next time" He laughed.

"Shut up, We are in this together" I laughed. I started driving to the wall where the nearest Starbucks was at. Selena Gomez hit the lights came on.

"You still have that song on your phone?" Daniel laughed.

"HEY! I'M A SELENA GOMEZ FAN! So Shut it" I flipped my hair to the side

He put his hands up in defence.

"It's not like I make fun of you for having all of the Disney songs on your phone" I smirked.

"WHAT?!" He looked at me but I was facing the road so I couldn't tell his facial expression.

I didn't say anything just smiled. Oh yes. Daniel secretly has old Disney show's theme music.

"HEATHER! Have you been in my phone?" He whined.

"No. remember that one time I asked if I could you your phone to check myself..." I giggled. "You left you music on and it had a Hannah Montana song"

"UGH!" He covered his face.

"It's okay, I still two songs from High School Musical" I made a right turn to the Starbucks outside the mall.

"I'll get them if you want" He offered.

"Sure. Get me the Large one. Cause I need something to keep me awake today." I take out my wallet and give him a twenty dollar bill. "You can pay yours and mine, if it's enough" I told him.

"It's fine" He didn't take the bill.

"Take it!"

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Caramel Frap. And take the goddamn money" I shoved it into his hand. I hate it when people don't taket he money.

"I'm not using it though" He said.

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