chapter Nine ~ Finale Part two

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Michael's POV:
"Wake up Michael, you gotta make the most of these last few hours being a single man" Jermaine says whilst shaking me awake

I wake up letting out a yawn then I glare at him "why do people say that or other things along those lines? I mean you're getting married obviously meaning you're not even single to be able to have that line said to you"

"Why do you always have to question things?"

"It's a pretty simple question which no one seems to answer. Why not say last few hours before you get a ring or something?"

"That just sounds stupid, come on get up"

I roll my eyes and get out of bed following him downstairs. I take a seat at the table and dig into my breakfast whilst trying to fully wake up.

Ramona's POV:
I wake up to the basic room which once used to be mine. It feels strange not waking up to either my old bedroom or my current bedroom at home. I go to have a quick shower and I start my long process of blow drying my hair.

"Ramona are you done?" Daisy asks knocking on the door

"Yeah two secs" I reply and quickly put my dressing robe on over my pjs.

I head downstairs to make a start on hair and makeup. I wanted things simple, hair to be curly and half held up with a this 3 blue roses clip thing and simple makeup nothing too out there or bright. Once all of that is complete Steph comes back upstairs and help me with the dress.

"You ready to see yourself?" She smiles

"Yeah" I smile back

Steph pulls the fleece blanket off the mirror and I look at my reflection. The top is sleeveless and is blue matching the roses in my hair, the bottom is white which is separated from the blue with gems and sequins which puffs out a little bit.

"It's perfect" I smile

"Ready?" Janet smiles

"Yeah" I smile back

The girls goes down im twos which are;
Rebbie & La Toya
Daisy & Steph
Janet & Lilac

Once they're down I link my arm with Dad's and we make our way down. I look at Michael and smile, he looks so cute. One I reach the front Dad kisses my cheek and walks off as I take Michaels hand.

"You look absolutely gorgeous" he smiles

"You scrub up well yourself" I giggle

Michael's POV:
"I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride"

I smile at Ramona and pull her close as I dip her and kiss her. I take her hand and we make our way outside to the car, obviously there's paparazzi there.

"Ramona you look great"
"Michael will there be a new Jackson album?"
"Why did you marry so young?"
"Why did you marry so soon into the relationship"

"They're so annoying on times" I sigh as we finally get in the car

"They sure are" she replies and leans her head on my shoulder.

Once we arrived we all have food then it's that time. Speeches. Jermaine stands up taking the mic and smiles at me.

"I remember when we was little Michael would always like to be creative and imaginative. We used to play with shopping carts and he'd always pretend it's a train that he's driving. He's always dancing and singing and believe it or not he did actually get in trouble in school, always singing during lessons was the main one. We all know we're here because this marriage was arranged but to me it didn't look or feel arranged because Michael and Emily are in love which is great. They never got along great and always called each other dork and afro so when I found out they got paired I instantly though uh oh this is going to be a disaster. But it didn't and will hopefully stay the way it is now. To Michael and Ramona"

"Michael and Ramona" everyone smiles raising their glasses

Ramona's POV:
The speeches was finally over, I never saw people talk so much in my life. Me and Michael do the first dance which is Frankie and the Four Seasons - Sunday kind of Love. We choose this song as today is a Sunday, Michael thought it would be fun so I went along with it. Mother hasn't even spoke to me today, how kind of her. I'm not going to let her ruin this reception though cause it's my day.

5hrs later
Me and Michael get home and start packing except I sit at the desk and go onto the MacBook to start a video for YouTube.

"Hey everyone, so if you don't know yet which I'm shocked if you don't cause it's probably already all over the news. As you can see I'm in my wedding dress, since you're all my favourite people you can meet the husband who I first hated but now love to pieces. So here he is" I smile

Michael comes over and kneels down so he's head height with me "hey guys, I'm the arranged husband" he laughs

"There won't be a video next week as we're going to the Bahamas but we will do a video of things over there for when we get back. So I'm a Jackson now. Hope you all have a great week, I got a gift for you too. Our flight is at 8:45pm CA time, we will get to the Bahamas at 2:23am Bahamas time. During the flight I will have wifi and will answer all tweets I get. See you guys soon, love you all" I smile and finish the video then upload it.

"Will you be able to reply every tweet?" Michael asks

"You're replying them for me too"

"Oh, ok"

Once it's safe I turn my phone on and go onto Twitter taking a photo of the wing and clouds.
@thatretrogeek: On route to the Bahamas :)

"How am I meant to reply as you? What if I say the wrong thing?"

"You won't, I trust you" I smile

We get tweeted a lot of stuff, mostly questions about Michael though. 5hrs and 469 tweets later we finish up as the phones will need to be turned off for landing. I'm excited for this holiday. As soon as we get to the hotel I immediately fall onto the bed and pass out. I wake up still in my clothes and on top of the blanket, I sit up and go to the living area finding Michael eating some fruit whilst watching Cartoons.

"Morning Mrs Jackson" he smiles once I've sat down next to him

"Morning Mr Jackson" I smile back taking a strawberry and eating it

"What would you like to do today?"

"Go to the beach?"

"Sure, go and get ready then we'll go"

I go to have a quick shower then I put my bikini on under my shorts and tank top. I tie my hair up and put sandals on then I grab my bag and we leave. California has blue water but here it's even more blue, it just looks so beautiful. We go to the beach bar and order a cocktail each then we take a seat in the empty part further down the beach.

"To the future" we both smile clinking our glasses and taking a sip.

"It's going to be an amazing future" Michael smiles wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer

"It sure will be"

"I love you Mrs Jackson"

"And I love you too Afro" I smirk and plant a kiss on his lips

"Dork" he mumbles into the kiss

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