chapter eight

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-5 months later-
Ramona's POV:

I'm 18 tomorrow, meaning I'm getting married next week. yes this contract means when we're both 18 we get married and this contract isn't void unless one of us basically dies or disappear but we are allowed to get a divorce....after 10years. I'm not gonna lie I love Michael I do and these last few months since he proposed have been amazing but getting married at 18 I'm not happy about. I left my laptop uploading a youtube video and I go to university hoping a lecturer will want to see me after so I don't have to see my mother for dress shopping.

Michael's POV:

I go to get dressed after I said bye to Ramona and I see her video has uploaded so I decide to watch it. she gets so many views and comments, she's literally famous from some random videos online. as I leave the room I see the contract on her dresser, I wish we could marry in our own time not this soon after her 18th. I go back downstairs and leave for the studio.

Ramona's POV:

I just arrived at the dress shop, kill me don't but you get the drift. mother has shown me 7 dresses already, can't she just go? can I at least pick my own dress? I ignore her and she's making out to the staff I'm normal, I'm not in no contract. They better of not seen my videos then.

"mother shut up! let me pick my own dress!" I say and pick a dress out and go to try it on.

"it's, it doesn't suit you" mother says

"I like it and I'm having it" I hand my credit card to the staff at the checkout and pay for it. I'm not telling you my dress you gotta wait until the big day just like everyone else. I get home and I'm so glad I'm home, I'm so stressed I just want a cuddle from Michael. he isn't home, strange. I decide to call him

"what!" he snaps

"hello to you too"

"sorry, I thought it was Joseph again."

"take it you had a stressful day too"

"yeah but it was longer than yours, mine was all day"

"yeah and? my 3 hours with mother is more like 3 years"

"oh come on Ramona don't be so dramatic all the time"

"I'm sorry have you not seen my mother? you know what she's like"

"I'd rather her than Joseph"

"how long you gonna be?"

"I don't know"

"will it be soon? I really need a cuddle"

"I said I don't know!"

"stop snapping at me, it's not my fault you had a stressful day too"

"go cuddle a teddy bear or something, what is it with you and cuddles all the time?"

"but I wanna cuddle you"

"well I don't!"

I hang up and throw my phone on the couch, I've had enough of this. I can't deal with him taking his stress out on me, I don't do it to him. I go upstairs and see the contract, I grab a pen and piece of paper. I leave them on the dresser and I grab a few things and leave.

Michael's POV:

I shouldn't of done that, I gotta stop taking it out on her. she never does it to me. I certainly wasn't meant to say that to her, she won't answer my calls so I guess I have to wait until I get home to say sorry. I get home eventually and the house is silent.

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