chapter three

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Michael's POV:

I arrived at the ranch and I must say it is very pretty, I go upstairs and turn left and go to the room at the very end of the hallway. I unpack then I go downstairs, I guess Dork isn't here yet which means I can go and do whatever I want. I immediately go to the living room and smile, never thought I'd see a tv bigger than 42" but here I have a 62" plasma on the wall. I sit on the couch and turn it on and goes through the channels and stop on a film that's just starting called American Warewolf in London.

Ramona's POV:

I looked around the ranch and it's beautiful, I claimed the right side of the house upstairs so I guess afro will have to put up with the left side. I've been on the edge of the forest for 2hours now and no sign of afro, not like I care anyway....ok that was harsh cause I do care, of course I do I mean I secretly love him so obviously I care about him. I log onto Instagram and posts a picture of my views

@thatretrogeek: New home is beautiful to be fair, #newhome #loveit

I accept my followers request which took quite a while and I go back to listening to music and browsing through facebook.

Michael's POV:

Wow that movie was amazing, Dork still isn't here. Not that I'm complaining it just means the longer I can have the place to myself. I was on my way to look around the other rooms and my phone goes off

Tito: Nice place, just seen Ramona's insta post

huh? how does Tito know what the place looks like

Me: what do you mean? she isn't here?

he replies with a screenshot of her insta post, wow that's nice, following/being followed by my siblings but not me. I'm her future husband yet I don't have her on nothing social wise, I don't even have her phone number. I make my way outside and look around, I see her in the distance but I ignore her and keep looking around outside.

Ramona's POV:

Janet Jackson
so my older brother has just moved out, seems strange with just me and Randy here

I like Janet's status, we're best friends well practically sisters. I go to carry on scrolling down and I seen she gets a comment

Michael Joseph Jackson
miss you dunk, you have to come and visit too keep me company

wow that was a tad harsh, wasn't it? I guess my idea of this actually working isn't gonna happen or if it does it won't be anytime soon. I get up to leave and I see Michael sat on a bench on his phone, he looks at me then back at his phone and my phones goes off 3times in a row

facebook: Michael Joseph Jackson has sent a friends request
Twitter: @MichaelJackson7 has requested to follow you
Instagram: @MichaelJackson7 has requested to follow you

I put my phone in my pocket and carry on making my way to the house

Michael's POV:

I see her stop and look at her phone then she puts it back in her pocket, I don't get any notifications that she accepted them.

"well that was rude" I say as she gets closer to me

"just cause we gotta get married doesn't mean we gotta be friends on social network sites"

"yeah then the media will notice and question it"

"I don't care, I will go to the offices now and tell them I'm being made to marry you" she snaps and walks off, I smirk and follow her

"well I at least need your number"


"fine, I'll get it off someone else"

"whatever, I will just block your number...and stop following me" she say as she makes her way up the stairs

"why? you getting mad?" I tease, she ignores me and she walks faster so I take that as a yes. Man she's actually cute when she's mad so I keep following her.

"hold it" she says as she stops and faces me "when you reach the top of the stairs you turn left and left only"

"it's my house too"

"left side = your side, and the right side = my side" she says and walks off

"you know you're cute when your mad" I laugh watching her walk off and slam her door shut

Ramona's POV:

I lay down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling, woah hold on a second. Did he say I was cute before I slammed my door? I think back and confirm that he did, well when I'm mad but that still counts as him calling me cute. I get my phone out and I give in and accept his requests. I put it down and then it goes off with a text

Unknown: I told you I would get your number of someone :) x

I can't believe he actually got my number, I was half way through replying him and I get another text

Unknown: ps, don't block the number cause I will just get a new number x

Me: ugh whatever, just don't keep texting me

I put my phone down and then I go to my laptop and goes on sims.

Michael's POV:

Why do I keep thinking about dork? I don't like this, I don't wanna think about her but my mind won't keep her out. After close to 2 hrs of having dork on my mind and why is it I kinda miss her? like when she's in sight I have a different feeling and when she goes that feeling dissappears and it don't exactly feel nice.

"look we gotta talk, sort out who has what rooms downstairs" dork says standing in the doorway and there's that nice feeling I got again.

"whatever, I basgsy this room and the one with the piano, you can have the rest"

"look we gotta talk, have a proper conversation. get to know each other. the paparazzi are gonna question us about each other and we know nothing"

"just make it up"

"no, then our cover will be blown in the future"

"look I'm trying to watch this movie"

she walks over and turns it off

"no you're not" she replies, I turn it back on and she turns it off. Omg this is gonna be a long annoying night.

Ramona's POV:

"Favourite animal?" Michael asks

"Dogs and Meerkats"

"Favourite Food?" I ask

"Mexican, yours?"


"Favourite Motown group?"

"The Four Tops and The Supremes"

I notice he's trying hard not to frown cause I didn't say his group.

"Why you such a dork?" He asks

"And why are you such an afro?"

"I can't help my afro, it's a part of my genes"

"And I can't help my geeky side"

"You can stop it"

"Just like you can stop your afro"

"I'm not changing my hair"

"And I'm not changing my geeky side"

I get up and walk off, why is he so annoying? He annoys the hell out of me yet I like him even more. I end up going to bed, safest place being far away from him so my mind don't go mad or I don't get strange feelings.

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