chapter four

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Ramona's POV:

It's been a month and it's been annoying, afro is actually an extremly annoying person. He has very annoying habits but yet I love them. I hate to say it but my feelings towards him are getting stronger and by the looks of it nothing is getting stronger in him for me. I'm at my parents getting the last of my things and I stand there looking around my now empty room.

"you got to go now" mother says

"wow, you haven't seen me for a month and less than an hour of being here you want me gone"

"it's not like that"

"whatever, don't lie to me" I snap and pick up the last box and walks out the room

"you going sweetheart?" dad asks

"yeah I know when I'm not wanted"

"sweetheart you are wanted"

"well my mother begs to differ"

"she does love you"

"yeah whatever!" I walk out slamming the door behind me, I get in the car and speed off the driveway. when I reach a red light my phone starts to ring


"it's me"

"what do you want? I said no harassment!"

"it isn't, I was only ringing to see when you're gonna be home"

"like you care"

"I do care"

"you don't! you didn't even wanna talk to me about who has what room downstairs"

I put my phone on loud speaker and pull off turning onto the deserted country lanes as I make my way closer to the ranch

"I really mean it I do care, I-"

he never got to finish as I hung up on him and carried on driving

Michael's POV:

"I really mean it it I do care, you" I carry on saying love you even through she hung up on me. I sigh and put my phone down on the table, I can't believe it myself but I really do love her. I just want us to get to know each other properly, all we have done is likes and dislikes. I just hope she feels the same way as me. 2 hours later dork, I mean Ramona isn't home yet and I'm starting to panic a little as it's now 7pm and is pretty dark outside. The house phone begins to ring and I rush over to answer it.

"dork, where the hell are you?"

"umm, hello. are you a family member to Ramona Willis?"

"yeah, well no, not yet. why? who is this?"

"it's the general hospital, Ramona has been involved in a car accident"

"I'll be right there" I hang up and grab my car keys and speed off to the hospital, I don't care that I just drove through 2 red lights not like I can't afford to pay the tickets.

"where's Ramona willis?" I say to the receptionist

"room 482"

"thank you" I smile and quickly runs off

I get to the room and my eyes instantly get tears, she's asleep but her face has a few scratches and her leg is in a cast. I take her hand in mine and I gently lift it up and kiss it

"don't leave me, please"

Ramona's POV:

I open my eyes and I feel a hand ontop of mine, I look and see it's afro's hand. It feels right, like he was meant to be the man I walk hand in hand with. I look around the room and I see that I'm in a hospital.

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