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The perfect omelet that Harry had spent the evening planning in his head, the night dreaming about, and the better part of his morning making - flies from its perch on the spatula onto the tiled floor where Harley happily ate it.

Liam however sitting next to Harley also made a dive for the omelet, he now sits angrily that she ate yet another thing off the floor before he could.

Watching his middle son go for his breakfast in horror, it was agony seeing the jaw of Harley unhinge in speed as she gladly ate the breakfast food with no thought to her owner that stands watching with tears pricking his eyes.

Nervously laughing, Louis shuffles on his feet peering up at his daddy with wide innocent eyes, "S-sorry Dada,"

Harry narrows his glare towards him, "Don't you Dada me, little boy. Get out of the kitchen!" Liam stands from the floor crossing his arms with a scowl at his older brother, "Go!" He demands every minute Louis was delaying his breakfast is another minute Liam grew angrier.

His Daddy may not be his favorite parent, but the man was the most consistent in feeding Liam the best-tasting breakfast, his favorite meal of the day, and he didn't need it stalled any longer.

Louis rolls his eyes with a huff, "Daddy it be prank!"

Harry mocks his eldest's eye-roll, "Pranks are funny Louis, you scaring me isn't funny. It's rude, and it'll get you in trouble." Lifting an eyebrow testingly, Louis crosses his arms, "Papa think it funny,"

"I'm not Papa," Harry retorts grabbing a bowl to start again on his omelet, "Mr-Mr.Callum 'finks it funny!"

The man freezes, the egg he had in his hand hovering over the bowl, BINGO! Louis thinks, he knew when he compared the man to Ashton's dad he usually became cooler.

Harry constantly wanted to prove to Louis that he was cooler than Callum.

Liam groans stomping his foot to urge breakfast to continue, Louis smirking when Harry sighs, "I guess some pranks are funny, but not this early. Go get Papa and Max for breakfast," 

Knowing he had fully gotten himself out of any sort of trouble, Louis exits the kitchen with a devilish grin coiling on his lips, in his eyes he'd just gotten permission to reak havoc on the whole household.

After all, Louis' favorite holiday was coming up: Halloween. 

It was the only time of year Louis was allowed to dress up, scare his little brother, and eat candy! Truly the best holiday asides from his birthday, or Christmas.

Liam sighs standing from the ground with one final side-eye to Harley, he truly did love having her as a dog, but he didn't enjoy having to share his floor food with her.

"Lee there is no five-second rule with Harley, you do not get to eat things off the floor," Harry mutters knowing the pouting of his middle-son spawned from an innocent act.

Scooting the scrambled eggs onto the plate, Harry finishes pouring the sippy cups full of orange juice leading Liam to his highchair, "Wait for Papa," he commands buckling the hybrid in seeing him dive for his breakfast.

He huffs in reply crossing his arms, "No 'tair!" 

"Life isn't fair," Harry grumbles returning to the kitchen where he glumly stood attempting to recreate his precious omelet.

Zayn suddenly enters the room seeing Liam grouchily waiting for his arrival, "You may eat now," the man muses puckering his lips for a good morning kiss as he transfers Max to his own highchair with a peck to his cheek.

Liam wastes no time tearing into his breakfast, he pays no mind to his younger brother that hums for his yogurt, and to Zayn that folds his napkin in his lap before staring curiously at the plate of eggs, he was served.


"Yeah?" Harry returns poking his head out the doorframe, eyes flickering from the stove to his husband's, "Why-why are the eggs-?"

"Scrambled?" Harry dumbly asks moving from earshot as he stands worriedly over the pan of eggs, the key to a perfect omelet was time.

"No," Zayn pauses using his fork to fully inspect the eggs with furrowed eyebrows, Louis enters the room once more wearing a face mask, Niall furrowing his eyebrows as he strolls through with a laptop in his hand, "We don't have to wear that in the house-"

"They're green," Zayn inquires oddly, "What?!" Harry jumps from his position at the stove checking the expiration date of the eggs he had not only been using all week, but fed his middle son that morning.

Niall too bends staring at the eggs with a concerned look, as both parents snap their heads in horror to Liam that sits pleased now with eggs remains on his cheeks, a glint of a full-tummy in his chocolate eyes.

"They're not expired!" Harry shouts, leaving the stovetop once more as he enters the dining area, "Well green eggs can't be good-"

"Liam's weren't green! R-right? Right, Liam were they green?" Harry questions staring at the boy, "He doesn't know the color green," Niall mutters face palming, Liam glaring at the man, "Do too!" Pointing to his own blue shirt to prove so.

"Right," Zayn muses scooting back from his chair, "Guess we'll know in a few hours if Lee gets sick,"

Harry sighs running a hand through his hair, he just wanted a damn omelet.

Louis' sudden giggle has the parents attention as the boy pokes gently at the cereal before him, "Bub you can't eat with that on," Niall reminds extending his hand to take the mask from him, "Besides we don't need to wear it in here,"

Louis panics knowing his face mask was about to be removed, it was his only protection to hide his grin. Shaking his head furiously to be left alone, Zayn's the first to lift an eyebrow, "Why didn't you want eggs this morning?"

Louis pales knowing his Papa was catching on, Harry, however, his poor, sweet, innocent, Daddy, pipes up, "I don't even think I offered him eggs, he just said he wanted cereal." Zayn nods chewing the inside of his cheek switching his narrowed stare at the eggs and his eldest son, "Well," he pauses reclaiming his seat, "I wanted eggs, so I'm going to eat the eggs,"

Making sure to hold eye contact with Louis while doing so, Zayn gathers a bite on his fork bringing it to his lips, "I'm going to eat the eggs,"

Louis watches with a wicked grin on his cheeks, "Zayn if they're green don't eat-"

Popping the fork in his mouth, Zayn chuckles swallowing the bite before shaking his head with a smirk, "As I thought,"

Louis giggles once more, "It's food coloring," Zayn announces winking toward the oldest. Harry groans with an eye roll, "Lou no more pranks!" Niall even laughs with the boy kissing his head, "Give your Daddy a rest you know he doesn't like them,"


"We're not Michael and Callum, we're Papa, Daddy, and Baba," Zayn interjects ending the argument he knew would soften Harry's objection to the more-so innocent pranks.

Louis surrenders with a sigh promising his Daddy he'd be done for the day at least.

"What's that smell?" Niall suddenly asks raising an eyebrow as a burning stench lingers in the room, "Are you cooking something on the stove?" Zayn asks standing from his chair, Harry gasps, "My Omelet!"

>Small but kinda cute, beginning to spooky season - expect more updates sooner, all the love ~Emma :)

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