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If there was one thing Anne was able to tell Harry that he listened to, it was to take pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.

Rocking with Max asleep in his arms, Harry raised his phone opening the camera app smiling softly, he loved this part most about being a father. It was a serene moment he had all to himself to snuggle one of his babies.

While each of his monsters was different, they all had the same pout whilst they were asleep with their cheeks smushed, the two younger ones still taking a pacifier occasionally.

Taking a selfie, he lowers the phone to his view staring at the photo as tears gathered in his eyes. Life had been so hard recently, with Zayn's lawsuit coming to light, Niall and his fights slowly lessening, announcing to the world their love, Harry feared that it would be the breaking point. He felt it almost laughable that announcing they were in fact married, and in love with each other, drove them closer to the end, a breaking point.

Glancing at the hybrid as he inhaled deeply in his sleep, Harry coos seeing him rub his face onto his daddy's shirt with a small sigh, "My sweet Max," he hums patting his backside and gently adjusting the boy on his lap continuing to rock.

"Baba I no 'ant to go to 'tha 'punkin 'atch," Niall rolls his eyes fondly meeting his eldest's sons earthy orbs in the rearview mirror, "good because we're going to a pumpkin patch," he corrects, Louis huffs crossing his arms, "I go back to mumma's," he grumbles, Liam laughs at his older brother reaching over poking the side of his cheek teasingly, "L-Lou Lou n-need nap!" Cutting his eyes to his brother, Louis glares, "Lee-yum needs nap!" he retorts hatefully, Liam shrugs, "'W-wif Papa?"

Liam was kinda tired, he'd happily go for a nap with his Papa right now. 

Louis rolls his eyes knowing he'd get nowhere with the younger hybrid, a content Liam was a hard Liam to convince to misbehave. Louis had learned that Liam was quite the simple one to please, all he really needed was food, his trucks, and Papa, and when all his needs were met, he didn't feel the want to torment his fathers with a meltdown.

The older hybrids had spent the weekend with Sophia and Eleanor while the three fathers used the time to leave town for a weekend, Max stayed with Anne since the fathers knew he wouldn't really enjoy what the mothers had planned for the oldest hybrids.

Niall tuts at the eldest, "You're not going back to mummas, we're going to go home, have a bath and then have a nap. We want happy babies for the pumpkin patch!" 

"'Punkin Patch!" Liam squeals clapping his hands with a grin, Louis whines kicking his feet fussily, "No go!" he protests, the absolute last thing he wanted to do was go to a stupid farm with dumb pumpkins where Harry would force them to take pictures.

Every year the fathers talked it up to be this fun thing when in reality all Louis got out of it was a hot chocolate and a stupid pumpkin. 

With how things had been lately, Louis would trade all the hot chocolate in the world for a night in with his fathers, no cameras, just snuggles.

Clearing his throat, Zayn lifts his finger in the air gesturing for Louis to turn around, "Three seconds to fix your face before I do," It was a new tactic Carol had wanted the Papa to try, Louis would have the chance to spin around giving him a few seconds to adjust his face before meeting his Papa's eyes once more.

Rolling his eyes Louis turned quickly on his heels before returning back to his original position and continuing to glare at Zayn. No threat of a belting would fix this.

He had been stuffed against his will into a pair of fucking overalls. If his parents were trying to ruin his entire life, they were well on track.

Liam stands opposite Louis, next to Zayn, with a knowing smirk on his cheeks. He also wore overalls, though he had no problem with them. They kept him warm, they had a fox on them, and it meant Harry wouldn't be sneaking up behind him yanking his pants up, what more could you want? To Liam, overalls were practical.

Seeing Louis not taking the chance to adjust his own attitude, Zayn sighed hating that he had to do it for him. He didn't like having to discipline the boys, especially recently when he wasn't around as often. The last thing Zayn wanted was to become the "bad cop" again, and only be seen as the strict one.

Extending his hand towards Louis, Zayn pulls the boy close lowering himself to Louis' height, "What's the problem?"

Louis sniffled wishing Zayn would just belt him already, he always lost his will to fight when he saw the man trying to be kind, it was his weakness, "L-leave 'lone," he ordered with tears pooling in his earthy orbs, Zayn raises an eyebrow, "Bubba," ruffling Louis' hair, Zayn offers a soothing smile, "What's wrong?"

Breaking through the stubborn exterior, Louis sobs collapsing into his Papa's arms, "N-no go! I-I no 'ant to-to go!" he wails, Liam even deflating hearing how sad his brother was. He steps forward figuring he could do his part and help his Papa, placing a hand reassuringly on his older brother's back, Liam rubs gently shushing him how his fathers would soothe him.

Zayn coos at Liam's helping hand, "Lee Lee and I want to know why you're so against going, bubba," Louis shakes his head refusing to move from his spot, his head smushed into Zayn's neck buried into his sweater.

"We have to go to the pumpkin patch bubba, we need pumpkins for us to carve," Zayn informs softly, Louis halting his tears as he snaps his look to the man, "W-we 'g-gunna car-carve 'dem?" Through his mess of tears, Louis cracks a mischievous grin, he'd always wanted to carve pumpkins as Ashton does with Michael, but Harry was always against it and instead suggested they paint them instead.

Chuckling at the boy, Zayn rises nodding, "We are, so can we go?" Louis nods hurriedly, he glances to Liam, "W-we's g-gotta get-get a-a big p-pumpkin,"

"Say pumpkins!" Harry calls holding his phone up, Niall raises an eyebrow seeing Louis grinning widely with Max on his lap, Liam next to him holding up a big pumpkin, "What did you say to Lou? He was begging to not come," Zayn smirks, "We're carving some Jack 'O Laterns tonight," he announces, Harry gasping, "We're what?" Grabbing his younger husband's hand, Zayn pecks his forehead, "Don't worry, I'll carve yours," 

>I don't want to make this too long, maybe the pumpkin carving as a small chapter by itself in the next one? Anyway, stream Faith in the Future, our boy has done it again. All the absolute love, Emma :)

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