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Swaying with the boy in his arms, Niall adjusts the hybrid as he steps around the equipment all around the stage. 

It was his first night on tour, somehow all his husbands and sons survived the first night on the tour bus. There was just one little hybrid that refused to sleep, and one father that certain hybrid clung to which meant he didn't sleep either.

Patting Liam's backside hearing the hybrid begin to stir, Niall shushed him pushing his head to his shoulder, "Go back to sleep baby-"

"No-no 'ba-bee," Liam sobs pushing at the man's arms, the pacifier he had in his mouth popping out landing at the father's feet as the hybrid struggled to no avail in his hold.

Niall remained still keeping consistent in shushing him, soothing his tears, "I'm sorry Bubba, I meant Bubba. You're not a baby, you're a big boy," he assures retrieving the pacifier from the ground glancing around for a sink.

Collecting his youngest in his arms, Harry kissed his crown smiling at his oldest who pushed Liam's trucks around on the rug, "W-where is Lee?" the best part about the tour was Louis being able to force Liam to play with him a lot easier.

"He's with Baba napping, he didn't sleep well last night," Harry felt bad that morning when he walked into Zayn sleep-deprived in the living area, the three bottles of milk on the end table, bags under his eyes, and Liam's rosy cheeks from his tears told Harry all he needed too.

As for Harry, he slept great.

"W-why he no nap here?" Louis asked offering one of Liam's trucks to Max, Harry quickly intervened, "You know he wouldn't like that," he scolded taking the truck from both hybrids, "Because Liam doesn't sleep well on the bus, he never really has," If Niall hadn't been so insistent on doing it like the old days where the family toured together, Harry would've never suggested it.

Louis shrugs, "I like 'tha b-bunk!" Harry chuckles ruffling the boy's hair, it was true Louis used to beg to sleep on the tour bus instead of his bed at home.

He was probably more excited than Niall to be on tour again.

"Max seemed to like it too," Harry muses tickling under the baby's chin hearing him giggle.

Niall had gotten Liam asleep once more having to make a trip to the bathroom to rinse off his pacifier before popping it back in and setting him in the playpen he brought off the bus.

Tucking him in, Niall made it clear to crew members that the boy was sleeping and anyone who woke him up had to deal with not only his wrath but Harry's.

It was enough of a threat to ensure they would at least be cautious with their sound.

Louis smiles fixing his hair in the mirror, he's brushed it into a perfect quiff glancing up to his daddy behind him, "Like 'dis?"

"So cute," Harry cooed pinching the boy's cheek, "no cute," Louis growled hardening his glare, "You're right, so handsome," Harry corrected tapping the end of the boy's nose with a swoon, "Go find Papa," he commands needing the tiny bathroom to himself so he could fix his own hair without the boy offering to help every five seconds.

You'd think the fathers ripped a hairbrush through Louis' hair the way the older hybrid brushed his daddy's hair, he didn't have much finesse about him.

As showtime neared, Niall had given the crew the go-ahead to make noise as he woke his monster up. Liam sobbed in his Baba's arms begging for his Papa, "He's in the bus we're going to go see him," headed to the bus, the hybrid sobs didn't lessen, Niall groaning as he opened the door frowning when he sees Zayn's glare at the boy, "Why's he upset?"

"I woke him up," Niall retorts handing him off, Zayn taking him as he clears his throat, "Liam James I think this is nearing a fit, and we're too old to throw fits," his warning falls on deaf ears - well hybrid ears that work just fine except when he's told No or to stop throwing a fit.

Taking him to the back area, Harry waves in passing, "Are you getting him dressed for the show?" Zayn nods shutting the door behind them.

When the parent's door opened, Liam stepped out first with his snakie in hand, a pacifier between his lips. He trudges to his daddy wrapping his arms around him snuggling into his side, Harry raising an eyebrow as he lifts him kissing his cheeks until rosy, "Where's Papa at?"

Zayn exits securing his belt in place, "What's our deal?"

Liam sniffles wiping his eyes, "N-no t-tears," he whimpers curling further into Harry, the daddy having to contain his squeal as he squeezes the boy, "Was cuddling with dada part of the deal?" he asks hopefully, Zayn rolls his eyes, "No, he's just mad at me," he muses, "No tears, and he doesn't lose another one of his trucks, and doesn't get another spanking," 

Harry gasps in mimic sympathy, "We won't have any more tears, we're going to have a fun night," he promises bouncing him, Liam brings snakie closer to him with a whine in protest.

A fun night to Liam would be spent at home cuddling his snakies, his Papa, and Bluey.

A concert was not a fun night for the boy, or so he thought.

Louis joined Niall on stage first, he waved to all the fans, and held Max's hand while parading around the stage during the first set.

When the first intermission started Niall ran back strapping on a new guitar taking a potty break with Louis in tow, Harry still cuddling Liam being completely in awe.

The hybrid was almost back asleep in his Daddy's arms when the man stroked his hair, "You should make him mad more often," he cooed, Zayn rolled his eyes clapping his hands for the hybrid, "Come see me, we'll go say hi to fans." without hesitation, he pushes off his daddy going straight to his Papa curling into him with a smile.

Harry deflates now alone until he gasps seeing Max playing with one of Louis' power rangers, "Hi my baby," he coos scooping him up with a kiss.

Zayn winces at the volume of the screams when he steps onto the stage, the family had managed to keep the secret that they'd be touring with Niall, until now.

Liam clutches his Papa tighter, the pair making their way to the middle of the stage with his boy tucked securely in his arms, he grabs the microphone Niall left, "Hi everyone,"

Letting the screams die down he chuckles, "Liam and I just wanted to say hi, we're actually headed back to the bus to watch some Bluey," the hybrid perks up at that, he leans close to the microphone, "Bye!" Liam could be encouraged to move anything along if Bluey was involved.

Bidding the fans a farewell, he carries Liam off stage, "Tell daddies night, we're going to the bus. They won't be back before bedtime," Louis approaches his Papa as well, "C-can I go too? I-I'm sleepy," rubbing his eyes with a yawn, Zayn coos lifting him to his other hip, "While don't we all go? Think Daddy and Baba can handle Maxey?" Liam huffs nodding, "Papa B-Bluey," he was on a time crunch to watch as much as he could before bedtime.

Making their way back to the bus, Zayn got both older boys dressed in pajamas, and snuggled in the big bed before turning on Bluey.

Within minutes Louis is tucked into Zayn's side knocked out, the Papa snuggling Liam closer kissing his forehead, "We're both going to sleep tonight, right Bubba?"

"Mhmm," Liam hums rubbing his eyes as he fights to stay awake to finish the episode, "I love you," 

"Shh," Liam hushes his Papa, "'W-wove 'y-you's too," he whispers only staying awake for another two minutes before crashing.

>Small chapter, leave me prompts if you have any :) all the love, Emma :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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