Chapter 9

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I tuck my phone into my bra and turned to him, watching him sit down. He flips to the part where I'm required, skipping the things that don't apply to me. "It says in fine print that I need to wed someone by the end of December this year. That's not the engagement, so we're cramped on time."

I squinted my eyes, wondering. "What are you tripping about? Let's just go to Las Vegas and get married. Boom, bam, thank you, Pam." I wave it off and eat my lasagna.

He scoffs, "So what? You don't want a big wedding? Did you even tell your mom you accepted it?" He has a point, maybe we do need that time. "Honey, it takes more than just eloping in Las Vegas and it has be legit. That'll make me look bad to the lawyer if I elope just to claim the rest of my piece and leave."

I scrunch my face at the dilemma I'm facing. "I want you to have what you deserve; it's just hard when I'm not ready to commit." I don't know why but I'm frowning at the idea of tying myself down. Like anyone better would come along...

"What's your biggest fear?" He knows my mind is overthinking any pros to getting married, diving head first into the bin of negatives.

I pondered, looking to the ceiling for my answers. "Well if I must be honest-"

"Please be," he insists, turning his undivided attention to me.

I sigh and looked away from him. Saying it out loud would be more deadly than thinking it. "Not that something is wrong with you, but I don't want to have kids."

He sputters, laughing at my biggest worry. I used to be worried about having to care of him and his ways, but this one sticks out the most. He rolls his eyes, childishly. "Really? That's what having you torn? Elena, we don't have to have kids."

I looked down and had the urge to quickly recluse to a bubble. "You don't need an heir to your fortune if something would happen?"

He shakes his head, "No. This isn't that kind of dynasty. We don't have to have kids if you don't want to."

My eyes narrow in on him, arching for some definition. "Well aside from me, would you want kids one day?" He said we don't have to have kids if I don't want to. What's his intake on that topic?

His shoulders bounce, "I don't know. I mean, I'll love them of course, but I don't know. I did everything I wanted with my life."

In a joking manner, I grinned huge, "So you don't want to get married?"

He chuckles at my humor, "Don't say that. I do for numerous reasons. Mostly because I'd like to have you." His hands find my hips and directs me towards him, twisting the seat to face him.

My uncoordinated balance makes me wobble, driving my hands to clamp onto his arms. He smirked with cockiness, knowing that I can't focus on my center when I'm with him. I slowly gulp my lasagna, feeling the effects of melting cheese glide down my throat.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asks, squinting his eyes in a supermodel way. He lifts one of his hands and presses his cool palm to my heated, blushing cheek. "Don't move," he orders, getting a good handle on my head.

Obediently, I stay still while he slowly decreases our distance. He slides off his stool and I want to jump out of my skin, but I agreed to stay still. His hand that was glued to my hip moved to the nape of my back, holding my fidgety bones in place. Without taking anymore time, he touches his lips upon mine in one swift movement. My eyes fall shut, knees weak from his smooth tongue unraveling a world underneath my waist. Waterfalls of emotions splashed in my tights as he rubbed my back. I had no idea how bad I've been yearning his affection. Does Jaxon always have that effect on me?

His hand snaked to the back of my neck, forcing me to become more interactive in our smoldering kiss. Since I was demanded to not move, I failed to breath. Knowing my giving game was dropping, Jaxon presses his soft lips on my throbbing neck, giving me little time to gasp for air. He inches closer to me, opening my legs even wider to fit around his waistline.

Quick like lightning, he robbed me from my seat, picking me up. My arms hug his neck, feeling his light mustache prick my skin. I sigh with such excitement, falling for him. He climbs his second set of stairs, discovering his loft which I'll explore tomorrow.

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