Chapter 23

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Caleb feels really bad, I sensed, for breaking my phone. I can't completely blame him for it when it's my fault as well. "Elena, let me take care of your phone for you. I-"

"No," I decline, shaking my head. "I have to go."

Caleb blocks me, swerving in front to stop my leaving. "Where were you going? I'd hate to leave us like this."

I jump back a couple feet since he was up my crotch space, closer than Jaxon's ever been when we were on the ground level. "I don't like you." I surprisingly admit, walking away from him.

He takes a deep breath and follows beside me, joining the trail to the cafeteria which could close in two minutes. "What do you mean?"

I throw my head backwards, mentally wishing he'd leave me alone. "Why did you leave Brenda?"

He hops in front of me again, grabbing my arms, "Elena-"

I yank myself from his possession, not wanting him to touch me. "What the hell do you want with me?"

He snickers, "Glad you can ask." He presses his lips against mine, locking our bodies together with his arms.

My arms shot into his chest like a bullet, immediately separating us from getting that close to each other again. I don't understand how I'm this approachable, when I'm starting to hate people. Jaxon won't like hearing this. He stumbles backwards at my unappreciated gesture, while I rubbed his sloppy kiss off my mouth. I still can't understand why this dude doesn't quit?

"What is your problem?" I spat, rubbing my lips to the deeper tissue to rid myself of his saliva. "I'm engaged!" All I can think of is Jaxon not wanting me since he's tainted my mouth with his. Maybe I can convince him that it wasn't my intention to kiss him?

Caleb shrugs, careless of my current situation with him. "And? Do you love him?"

"YES!" I exclaim with a cracking voice, keeping a distance from him. He smirks as if that doesn't convince him enough. My hand removes my hair from my flustered forehead, spinning. My stomach sloshed around, somersaulting with no cautious pads to keep from harm. It growled and chewed at itself, knowing I'm starving and wanting something to eat. "Caleb, I don't see you like this and I think you need to go away. Like far away!" My vision scans the campus for any eyes lurking and there's no one around. Campus curfew is around the corner and I'll be rewarded with a citation if I don't grab a meal and head back to my dorm.

Caleb stood still as if he was a statue, not listening to my warning. What game is he at? If Jaxon knew he did this, he wouldn't still be standing here. Somehow the night weather chilled my crawling skin and felt biting cold. Is God punishing me for not pushing him away before he kissed me? I truly didn't have an idea he was going to do that! I promise.


Caleb puts his hands in his pockets, "I'm sorry about your phone," he says. My eyes rolled to the back of my head; I'm not worried about that. I'm freaking out over the fact that he dropped Brenda because he magically grew feelings for me. I can't handle another Jaxon right now. "Maybe I-"

"No, you've done enough." I drop my cracked phone into my jacket's shallow pocket and looked at the cafeteria that was only three minutes away. "Don't do that again and just...goodnight." I conclude, awkwardly walking towards the dimly lit building with two white lampposts for any arrivers. To my amazement, I didn't hear Caleb's footsteps behind me, which relieved me. My body didn't twist to watch him head the other direction either. Right now, he doesn't exist. I didn't have enough willpower to tell him to get lost and never talk to me; I'm not that mean of a person. Maybe that's the reason I'm a wreck.
My familiar comforter swallowed my body, making me toss and turn with an upset stomach. It was a rough night when I kept tasting Caleb's salty lips. Ever since I've been introduced to Jaxon, now I'm known to be the approachable person for anyone? My body ached from the sudden sleeping positions I encountered all night, tossing and turning to start becoming somewhat comfortable. Oh, what am I going to tell Jaxon? Will he hate me? How will he retaliate? I saw his flying fists before and they're not exactly graceful.

My body rattles as a hand strokes my damp forehead, ridding me of its sweat. My eyes shoot open, automatically flickering on my focus to find Jaxon's face soothing me. "Hey," he softly greets, rubbing my wet forehead. "Are you ok?"

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and widen them to notice he's actually here. "Jaxon? What are you doing here?" I stayed down and let him run his hands over my soft baby tendrils, stroking my still arm with his other inviting hand.

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