Chapter 33

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He doesn't have that much apps, except the infamous Hotel app. Being a businessman, he has to definitely be prepared for hotel stops and their offerings. His message apps revealed thirty-four text messages unanswered. Damn, he ignores the world. My dry phone will never display this much people texting me at once. My eyes narrow to see his background photo and it's me, being candid. I don't remember this being with Jaxon, so he must have followed me in places. I ignore his text messages as he gets dressed with his pre-planned outfit. I can tell it's going to be a casual afternoon with him.

I hit his photo gallery app and seen there were a hundred and four pictures. Jaxon gave me the impression that he wasn't into using his phone camera, but he uses it a lot...when he's stalking me to the max. He got me walking to class with Brenda. He got me alone on campus, eating in the open quad. He got me heading into Tim Hortons and the cafeteria numerous times. In one particular picture, I actually looked at him. I don't remember seeing Jaxon and smiling willing for this picture. All the photos were candid and random; none were given consent. But that doesn't stop Mr. Jox.

"Your stalker tendencies are very...revealing." I turned the phone towards him and revealed I was going through my personal profile. Is this him profiling me? "You take so many photos, you should go into photography."

He rolls his eyes as he covers his chest with his shirt. He grabs his phone and sits next to me, hitting apps that weren't too easy to discover with my hidden vision. "Can I borrow your finger? Thanks." He yanks my ring finger and scans it into his phone, without even asking me professionally. "You have access to my phone anytime."

My mouth cracked an amused smile, "Are you sure? That's a huge step." Proposing is one, but giving up your cellphone...that's another thing.

He shrugs, "If you mean what you say, you're not going anywhere and I'm not leaving so..." He goes through his endless river of text messages. "Fuck..." he curses underneath his breath.

I freak out, grabbing his phone to see for myself. Damn it, the messages are in French. "What does it say?"

He squints his eyes, "You didn't pay attention in French, did you?"

My shoulders bounce, "I was also taking Spanish and that's harder..." I could tell he wanted to scold me for wasting my time on that, but that's the least of my worries. "What does it say? Why are you cursing?"

"I have to fly to France," he sighs, getting up. "One of my firms just had a client commit suicide and the parents want to sue. I have to go and fix this. Want to come?"

My mouth huffs at that idea, "What?"

"Come with me." He grabs his thin wallet from the TV dresser and tucks it into the depth of his pocket. "It'll be relieving to have you there."

"Jaxon," I sit up, "I can't just go to France with you. I'm sorry, but that's a huge commitment."

He shrugs, "Maybe next time." He goes into my closet and procures a pair of dark blue linen slacks with a black tank top with one set of ruffles at the bottom. So executive, so professional. He lays it on the bed. "I got to take you back to campus..."

"I don't want to go back," I protest. "Can I just stay here?" I dramatically fall back, sprawled over his sheets and covers. "Don't take me back!"

He smirks a little, "Ok. Anything for you, Elena Wellton-Jox."

I arched my eyebrows, "You're serious?" I immediately get up and looked his unfathomed face expression. "You're going to let me stay here?"

He shrugs, "What can a twenty-four year old do? Throw a party?"

"I'm sure you did once when you were my age," I veered into his eyes. "But it means a lot that you trust me enough to house sit for you."

"I don't have plants for you to care for."

My hands caress the warm, now dampened comforter that folded under my weight. "You got a bed I can keep warm."

He chuckles, dialing some number into his phone. "I shouldn't be gone that long. I'll take my jet and fly out. If I leave now, I'll be back tomorrow."

I squinted my eyes, "Ok. Look at you...taking affirmative action."

He snickers, packing a spare of clothes. "It's never too late to join me."

I shrugged, "I'll only be in the way. Thank you though."

He gives me a meek grin and pressed the ringing phone against his ear. "Salut! J'y vais maintenant." He zips his suitcase and grabs his passport from his safe tucked under his TV dresser. I'm not shocked.

I watch in admiration as he leaps around the room, getting ready for his departure. He seems so stiff and executive in his speech. Confident and human at the same time. He winks at me, even though he's under pressure and quickly packing. I roll my eyes and continued eyeing him. He spoke swiftly and quick to what his employee needed to do and his voice was calm about it. It didn't take long before he was off the line with his employee.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" He questions.

I nodded, grabbing the comfortable, puffy blankets to secure myself. "I'll call you if anything goes wrong."

"Call me anyway," he orders, pecking my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." Like I've witnessed my mother do a million times with my father, it felt right to say it as if you'd never see him again. "Please be safe."

He nods, taking my wish to his heart. He grabs his leather jacket, dark shades and looks more bad-ass than imagined. His disheveled hair doesn't help, especially when I'm still yearning for him. Why the hell didn't I say yes?

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