Chapter 40

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"Are you going to be safe here? You know you can come back with me and spend the rest of the break." Jaxon shyly encouraged since he vowed he wouldn't leave me alone. It took a lot of time and convincing to persuade him to let me go back to campus. "If that son of a bitch came back..." He threatened, shaking his head vigorously.

I cupped his cheeks, making his damaged eyes look into my wearies. So many stories and experience behind his eyes, it amazes me how he can handle it. "Jaxon, we can't be up each other's asses all the time. There has to be some space or else we'll get tired of each other quick."

He removes my hands from his face, but holds them to his heart. "I'd never get tired of you." He quickly pecks me and I smiled widely at him. "But you're right and this has to be."

I nodded, "Yeah and dinner sounds about good. I'll let you play with the police squad for an hour or so, but don't get wrapped up in the investigation about Caleb. He's probably not even a student here and gone."

Jaxon didn't want to hear that, but he needed to hear it. If I can try to move on and continue my life, so does Jaxon. At least I survived and is able to make these big girl decisions for myself. "You're definitely stronger than me."

I cheesed, blushing with heated cheeks, "Someone has to be, why not me?"

He kisses me, cupping my neck to his adaption and quickly grabbed my back to support me. His mouth massaged ever so lightly against mine and I knew he was trying to be strong too. "Ok," he says, nodding. "I'll see you at dinner."

My head confirmed his plan and we both agreed on it. "Don't stress over this because we need you." I prematurely joke, rubbing my flat stomach. I don't mind that he wants to bring Caleb to justice, but he's not to engage so much time.

He smirks, holding his hand over my stomach, "Right. Call me if something goes wrong."

I nodded and insisted that he leave before I didn't permit him to exit. But us having some time apart was what we needed. I hugged myself as I watched him get inside his car. He winked at me and as if he was my favorite celebrity, my stomach and heart swooned at his gorgeous beauty. Even when he's leaving, he has an effect on me.

The hood of his car descended away and he unwillingly drives away. I didn't want Jaxon to worry over me when he had something to do. Life still goes on and we can't sit back and regret what's happened. If this happened before Jaxon...I wouldn't be able to say this and move after a week. Maybe I am strong like he predicted.

The bright red lights disappeared down the street and instantly my phone rings. I never expected Kevin to call me. He doesn't call me when I'm busy at school. I turned to get back inside the dorm building and answered to Kevin. There's a shìtload of things I have to tell him about. "Kevin..." I sighed wistfully, opening the door.

"Hi," he greets, nonchalant. "I was just calling to see how it's going. I also called to apologize about having you leave early because Mom's not going anywhere."

I chuckle, glad he's coming to his senses. Mom is a strong woman that can't let things keep her down. "Well of course, she's going to not want to let bad things happen. But it's ok," I excuse, walking in the hallway. "I miss her and I miss you."

He laughs in the phone, "You've been gone for what... a week or two? You're ready to come back? Break is almost up and then it'll be spring. Graduation is coming up and you're almost finished."

I nodded, seeing my dorm door untouched. I stood outside the door, just to talk to Kevin. "I know, but things are happening. I'm losing myself," I sheepishly admit, sounding as if I'm joking.

He chortles, "Is Jaxon being too much for you? I'll kick his ass."

I leaned back on the wall and smiled, "Kevin, Jaxon's not the problem and he'll never be the problem."

"Who's the problem?"

I looked around and didn't want to openly answer that question. I didn't even share the excruciating details with Brenda. She thinks I was in the hospital for pregnancy reasons. Jaxon agreed to keep the secret between us, just until things start getting unraveled. I don't expect to come out about it until I know for sure how close Brenda and I are.

"Nothing, but Jaxon's not it." I deny, shifting on the wall. "I have good news," I prompted, eager to promote my engagement. "Jaxon proposed and it's safe to tell Mom that I said yes."

Kevin scoffs, bemused into the phone. "You're kidding me. You seriously got engaged?" He sounded skeptical and lost in denial. "Are you shìtting me? Do you want Mom's heart to explode?"

I rolled my eyes, "Well Mom knows about the proposal but I didn't say yes. I think I'm cut out for least with Jaxon."

"Is it money?" Kevin sparks an interest against me.

I gasp dramatically as if I were Brenda, "No! I don't love Jaxon because of his money." How could Kevin think that way about me? I haven't even asked about it or accepted any of his gifts personally. "There's actually people like me who don't marry for money. I can't believe you'd think that way about me."

Kevin huffs, "I'm only kidding, Elena. I know you're not a gold digger." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"Well I'm marrying him and I wanted you to know before something else happens." I meant to have that last part under my breath, but that's not an option when you're speaking on the phone.

"What else happened?"

Should I tell him about the pregnancy or will he believe I'm marrying him because I'm pregnant? Why the hell is it hard to tell Kevin and Mom the news? I don't understand why it's hard when they're my family.

"Nothing else," I assured, keeping some things under wraps. Let's save the other news for graduation. When I'm surely going to show.

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