Ioriku Oneshots

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Three short ioriku oneshots.

Boyfriend Hoodie

Riku wears Iori's hoodie. (Pretty self-explainable).

"Nanase-san, is there a specific reason you're wearing my hoodie?" Iori asks through gritted teeth. But, in reality, he quite liked the sight.

His face quickly reddens when Riku looks up at him with a certain innocence in his eyes.

"It smells like you."

Iori forces a pout but it isn't convincing, although to Riku it was.

Curious, Iori probes the question, "Well, what exactly do I smell like?"

Riku ponders it for a moment. "Like the person I love."

Iori takes a moment to catch his breath after nearly falling to the ground, hand clutching his chest tightly.

Riku peers down at him in concern, "I-Iori, are you okay?"


Iori and Riku get teased during breakfast.

Breakfast was always hectic when it came to feeding seven people. But, there were two people who were terribly troublesome and far less manageable than the others.

"Why are you eating like that?" Iori questions, appalled. He still has a bedhead from waking up moments ago and was already picking unnecessary fights.

"Eating like what?" Riku asks through a mouthful of food, hardly coherent.

He happily chews away as Iori watches him in aggravation. After less than thirty seconds, Riku has already devoured over half of his plate.

Iori scowls, "Nanase-san, you don't have to eat so quickly. The food's not going anywhere."

"You haven't even started eating yet!" Riku points out, eyebrows furrowing.

Mitsuki slams his fist on the table, staring both Iori and Riku down from across the table. "Cut it out, you two! You lovebirds don't need to argue all the time, especially not this early in the morning!"

"L-Lovebirds?" Iori repeats in shock. Out of everything his brother said, that was the part that stuck out to him. "Nii-san, don't suggest such absurd things!"

"Is it really that absurd?" Sogo mutters under his breath, resisting the urge to laugh.

Yamato plays along. "Yeah, you two! Get a room!"

Iori hasn't eaten but he's already lost his appetite.

"A room?" Iori mumbles. "W-What exactly are you trying to say, Nikaido-san!"

Nagi sighs, draping a dramatic arm across his forehead. "Oh, young love!"

Iori's eyebrow twitches intensely. "E-Enough already."

Riku laughs, amused.

"I guess we are kind of like a couple! Right, Iori?" The room falls silent. "Iori?"

Iori is stiff, staring blankly at his plate. His face is flushed but he's too embarrassed to even try and hide it from the table.

Tamaki says flatly, "Iorin stopped working."

I'm Here

Riku has an asthma attack, but he's lost his inhaler.

"Nanase-san?" Iori calls out as he watches Riku frantically pace around. He looks around, eyes darting around the living room. It had to have been here somewhere. Where did he last place it? When did he last use it?

Iori quickly approaches him, placing both hands on Riku's shoulders, centering him.

"Are you okay? Did you lose your inhaler?"

"I-Iori," he mumbles faintly, tears falling from his face. But, he doesn't say anything else nor does he answer the question; He doesn't need to. Iori had already prepared for this.

"Sit down," Iori tells him, leading him to the couch. He sits beside Riku. "Let's breathe together."

Riku wipes away his anxiety-induced tears but they keep on falling.

Iori places his hands on top of Riku's, holding them with a firm grip. He looks into Riku's eyes, maintaining eye contact.

"Just do what I do."

Iori takes a deep breath, in through his nose and then out through his mouth. Although panic-stricken, Riku does the same, albeit a bit shaky. They repeat the process together until Iori is certain that Riku can handle it himself. He lets go of Riku's hands.

Iori gives a reassuring smile once Riku's breaths are steady. Riku is seemingly too distraught to say anything, his body trembling.

Iori moves closer to him, placing a warm hand on his back, rubbing in gentle circular motions.

Riku looks at him in distress, too afraid to speak, afraid that he'd accidentally trigger another attack.

"It'll be fine," Iori whispers. He has a soft gaze, one that Riku found comfort in. "I'm here, aren't I?"

Riku finally cracks a smile, a small one. Riku lays his head on Iori's chest. Iori holds him close, caressing him.

As long as Iori was there, Riku knew he'd always be okay. He'd be just fine.



i might change the title of this chapter at one point or another..... also i've been ioriku brainrot recently !! theyre so cute and easy and fun to write about,, its an obsession honestly. yes i wrote this at 4 am, like i do with everything 

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