Angel (harutenn)

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Angel and demon AU (Harutenn, kinda?)

Humans, angels, and demons coexist together on Earth.

Humans— the most common type— are considered normal. But, angels and demons are rare, despite having been around longer than humans.

Angels were praised, like a deity, doted on and prayed and kneeled to whenever they crossed streets or appeared in public. The shine of a luminescent halo would cause heads to turn in admiration. Most celebrities were angels, or at the very least, humans.

But, demons were nowhere near as lucky. They were looked down upon as the rubbish of society. When heads turned, scowls filled their faces alongside foul words and stares of shame. Demons were hardly seen in public, a disguise or a magical spell would hide their horns and tails, just enough for them to fit in.

In this world, Kujo Tenn was an angel.

Figuratively and literally. He had feathery, white wings that were dreamily translucent during the day and glowed with an immense brightness at night. The halo that floated a few inches from his head was a perfect oval, shining with an immense power. His smile was enthralling and addictive. Everything about Kujo Tenn was perfect, and maybe that's why everyone loved him. Well, everyone besides Haruka.

"Tch," Haruka mutters, eyes glued to his phone. "Stupid."

"Haru, you can't go around calling things stupid," Touma says, peering from behind Haru's seat in the recording studio. "Let me guess? Is it Kujo Tenn again?"

"Yes!" Haruka says, exasperated by the mere sight of his self-proclaimed worst enemy. "He's the worst. I mean, just look at this picture."

The picture is at the very top of Haruka's Rabbitter feed. It shows Tenn with a bright smile, mid-concert, and his angelic presence lighting up the stage, outshining the other two non-angel members.

Touma looked at the picture for a long while before finally coming to a conclusion, "There's literally nothing wrong with this picture."

"Exactly," Haruka takes his phone back, staring the picture down with a strong glare. "It's too perfect."

Touma sighs, shaking his head, "You're just finding any reason to hate him, aren't you?"

"I am not!" Except he definitely was. "He's just- I'm just-"

"Just what?" Touma interrupts. "It looks like you're just jealous because he's an angel and you're not."

Haruka stays quiet for a moment, neither in agreement or disagreement.

"I'm not jealous," he finally replies, scrolling absentmindedly through the rest of Trigger's pictures now, focusing mostly on Tenn. "I just don't think it's fair. He's only popular because he's an angel."

"You think so?" Touma hums. "Well, even if he wasn't, Trigger is really talented. I doubt anyone would hate them, unless, you know, they were hiding something huge."

Something huge, huh? Haruka thinks to himself, already coming up with ideas that would never come true.

"Anyway, Haru," Touma starts. "You should get over your obsessive hatred. Preferably soon."

"It's not obsessive! And I don't 'hate' him, I just don't like him," he clarifies, eyes narrowed in annoyance. "But, why do I have to get over it soon?"

"We're guests on Trigger's show next week."

Next week came much sooner than Haruka would've liked.

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