Chapter 50

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Chat with @HazzaJP











Sorry I was just getting water, didn't expect you to respond so quick


It's ok, sorry for responding so quick ahha


No need to apologise, I wouldn't have texted if I didn't want you to respond




So what did you text me for?


Um, I know it's wednesday night so we have school tomorrow, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over?


If you don't want to it's fine, but if you do, make sure you ask Remus and Sirius first. I don't want you getting in trouble because of me


Just for a few hours or for the night?


The night


I'll ask but I don't know if they'll say yes


How come you want me to sleep over on a wednesday night?


Oh it's fine, I just wanted to see you


Dray I know it's not that. I saw you today and I'm going to see you tomorrow at school so it's not that you miss me


You can tell me anything. You've been there for me so many times so now it's my turn to do the same


I guess I'm just feeling pretty lonely and overwhelmed. I'm living alone and I'm barely getting any support from my parents in terms of uni and plans for my future. My mum is trying to help but it's not much. My dad isn't doing anything to help and he's refusing to talk to me. I don't even think they're coming to my graduation, maybe mum is but definitely not dad. Growing up kind of hits you like a truck when you leave home at 17. Like I literally moved here the week after my 17th because I couldn't take it at home. I've been living like this for over a year but it feels like it's just getting harder and lonelier. Especially with all the exams coming up since I'm basically studying all the time and it's getting pretty stressful

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