Chapter 5

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The group returned to Titania to drop off Medias and to get there barring on the next earth pules point. Grimware had decipher more of the ancient book which to summarize when Innominat awakens he would bring an end to all peoples. Rokurou thought this meant Artorius was planning to kill everyone but Velvet strongly objected stating that was not who Artorius was he killed her brother to save the world not destroy it. (Y/N) was supersized she had this train of thought because if Rokurou is correct that means Arthur needs to be stopped and (Y/N) would no longer object to her vengeance. The next day as the group boarded the Van Elitia. Laphi got a feeling on where the next earth pules point was the east part of eastgand (Y/N) and Velvet looked at each other if Laphi is correct they were going home.

After some time and the ship was sailing threw some fog. Velvet and Magilou were talking about their bet. Magilou bet 100 gold that Velvet would break before reaching the end ((Y/N) bet she wound not). "a word of warring Velvet people can fight against pain but not their own happiness remembered that." Magilou said the ship final docked in Taliesin, Aball wasn't far off. As everyone walked a little father ahead (Y/N) and Velvet stayed a bid back "are you going to be, ok?" (Y/N) ask "why wouldn't I be" "Well giving the fact you told me you devoured everyone there in a blind rage." Velvets gave a small twitch. "I'm fine" (Y/N) stopped and grade her arm and made her face him. "You may be fooling the others but I can see it. Your sins are starting to weigh on you conscious at this rate you will break and Magilou will be a hundred gold richer. Velvet yanked her hand away "your imaginings things" she started to walk away.

"Do you remember the day your sister died? I had no relation to her but I mourned her loss but that wasn't the saddest part. What crushed me was seeing you cry I have always thought you were beautiful to see you shedding tears. I never want to see I sight like that again. I say this for both of our sakes Velvet looked back at him "Both?" she asked "I am a Legit for the past three years I have fought and slain all manner of daemon to keep people safe. Now the most dangerous one of all is going around terracing the peace tuning towns into demon towns and I can stop her but I my will is not strong enough for me to slay the woman I love. That by itself would be bad enough but the Lord of Calamity know abought my feelings and is using me as a shield to protect self so she can seek her vengeance giving no regarded for the man's sanity."

"You can hate me you know the rest of the world dose." Velvet replied "I can't" (Y/N) said his voice slightly raising his brow furrowed. "Velvet stop this now before we both break before you truly become what the world is calling you the Lord of Calamity." The was pause "If that should happen, I take comfort that there will be a Legate there to stop me and save the world now double time shield." With that Velvet turned on her heal and walked away leaving (Y/N) to close his eyes and bawled his fists "Why can't I hate you?"

Upon arriving at the village,the group saw something they could not believe Everyone was alive completelyflying in in the face of what velvet said. At first everyone immediatelythought this was an illusion of Melchior but these people were flesh and blood.This did not add up but then things only accelerated one it was lord Artoriuswho saved the village from demons that day. And second Laphicet was alive in acoma but alive. They had all chipped in to look after him the past three yearsand he was at Velvets old home. Velvet almost in a daze slowly walked off inthe direction of her home the others fallowed when suddenly Eizen punched Rokurouin the stomach "dame that didn't break it" Rokurou slowly got to his feet "Next time you suspect illusionary arte test out your theory on yourself first." "You think we're all seeing an illusion?" Phi asked. Phi then heard growling next him he turned to see (Y/N) teeth beard growling he marched up to Eizen grabbed him by the shirt collar "Listen reaper if there is even a one present chance this is real, we are taking it Melchior can't pull of an illusion this big!" Eizen's eyes narrowed "You looking at this with blind hope." (Y/N) noses flared "Velvet could use some hope to go back to the way things where she has suffered enough, I will use all my strength to crush you if you try and prove this is an illusion which I know its not." Eizen and (Y/N) stared each other down. "Do what you want but don't blame me if this only hurts Velvet more." Eizen said as he flicked (Y/N) hands off him. Rokurou and himself then went to go look for the Therion.

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