Chapter 9

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While making their way to their room Mu qing spoke up. "Ling wen actually I was looking for you. Can I be one of our class representatives in the track?"

Ling wen looked at her with an amused face. "You're volunteering?"


Ling wen was still looking at him.

She then said; "We're you forced?"

Feng xin butted in; "He wasn't forced."

"I WAS!"

Ling wen looked at them and sighed. "Okay. Let's talk about that later at the meeting."

"I would also like to volunteer in the archer category." Feng xin added. Ling wen just nodded.

While they were walking Feng xin remembered something and turned to Mu qing. "Hey i have a question"

"What?!" Mu qing rashly asked.

"Do you know any illness that gives you symptoms like rapid heartbeat and I dont know, reddening of the face? Perhaps?"


"Should I consult a doctor?" Feng xin asked again while feeling his heartbeat.

Mu qing looked at him and placed his hand on Feng xins chest. Feng xin was startled by this and looked away, his heartbeat starting to beat faster. Mu qing felt this and nodded. "I don't know. Maybe you should?" And removed his hands on feng xins chest.


Ling wen who was listening to their conversation mentally face palmed and exclaimed internally- 'You idiots! I can't believe you have to see a doctor for that!'

Ling wen sighed at their nonsense conversation and entered their room shaking her head.

The other two also got in and went straight to their seats.

Compared to their relationship from the first day they met, they got along better now. Or more specifically they started to get along ever since their argument 3 days ago. (chap.7)

Though they still bicker wherever they go and fight over nonsense things. Ever since that day, Feng xin always worry about his heart condition because it just starts to beat faster out of nowhere. He asked Hua cheng and Xie lian about his 'Symptoms' but the two just stared at him like he's the weirdest person they met. He also became more and more obvious about his feelings while mu qing was just as oblivious as ever. Both of them acts close and intimate out of nowhere unconsciously from time to time. For example, when Feng fixed his hair. But after their 'sweet' moment, they automatically start to fight. In these past three days, they certainly argued more frequently. But also in these three days, they started to care more and more for each other.(even though they don't show it)

Afternoon class started and almost all of the class are dozing off.

When the bell rang, before the students could even celebrate, Ling wen was already at the front.

"No one is going out yet. Let's discuss the upcoming sports fest and assign representatives."

Even though stopped from leaving, the class was still cheerful. Excited for the upcoming fest.

"Guys, settle down. First, let's pick a color to use for our banner. And suggest a logo that you think would look nice to represent our class."

The students all started to share their ideas. One voice after another. Ling wen sighed and signalled them to be quiet. "Raise your hands if you have suggestions. We won't achieve anything if you guys just talk over each other like that." Thus, multiple students raised their hands.

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