Chapter 15

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"Mu qing. I don't fucking know what's happening and why the fuck you're acting like this. But whatever it is, I'm also here to protect you or help you in anyway. Even if I don't know which bastard is responsible for making you like this, I will surely be by your side so dont you fucking show me that anxious and scared face ever again. You understand?!"

Mu qing was looking at feng xin with wide eyes. After he said all of that in one breath, he snapped and looked around him. Seeing all of their classmates looking at them with either a confused or smirking or teasing faces, he suddenly felt embarrassed and took Mu qing's hand and pulled him outside.

Feng xin was walking at a fast pace while Mu qing just let him drag him around, still shocked with the sudden declaration. When Feng xin slowed down, he let go of Mu qing's hand and catched his breath. He looked at Mu qing who was still speechless and flicked his forehead. "What are looking all surprised for, you coward?"

With the flick, Mu qing closed his eyes and glared at feng xin. "Who're you calling a coward?" He said.

"You ofcourse." Feng xin said and continued walking.

"I'm not a coward." Mu qing retorted and walked beside him.

"Yeah whatever."

"..." Mu qing was silent for a while before muttering; "Thanks."

It was almost a whisper but it still reached Feng xins ears as he smiled.

For whatever reason, after Mu qing heard Feng xin's statement, he felt like a heavy pressure was removed from his heart as his growing anxiety disappeared.

"Ah, I can't believe you can speak such words with that mouth of yours. Honestly? So cliche." Mu qing said and placed both of his hand over his head, looking completely relaxed.

Seeing him back to his normal state, Feng xin laughed. "And I can't believe you can make such anxious face."

Mu qing rolled his eyes and sped up. Even though the other was making fun of his scared state, he can't help but feel safe with this annoying presence beside him.

They arrived at the theatre hall. It's already crowded so they looked around for a seat when Xie lian called them.

"Feng xin! Mu qing! I reserved you a seat! Its at the center of the middle row!" He shouted from the side of the stage.

Feng xin waved at him and shouted a "Good luck!" before they went to their chairs.

They waited for a while and the play finally started.

(If you don't want to get spoiled, you can skip this part and proceed to the next chapter. Thank you!)

Out of the two main characters, one was wearing an all black outfit with gold designs. He also wore dangling golden earrings while the other one wore an all white outfit, some parts blue while holding a fan with 'wind' written on it. (Chinese character of wind)

Their play was about a god that was addressed as 'Lord wind master, Shi qingxuan' and a ghost king that's called 'Black water submerging boats, Demon Xuan'.

Turns out, the lord wind master as mortal was actually a child with an unfortunate fate. His older brother doesn't want his younger brother to perish and so, he focused on cultivating and ascended. After he ascended he heard that a child called 'He xuan' was about to ascend. This child happened to be born the exact same date with his younger brother so he altered their fates. And thus, Shi Qingxuan ascended while He xuan was faced with unfortunate events. His family died and not long after, he also died after he committed a massacre and became a ghost. As a ghost he worked hard to become stronger and achieved a title of a 'Supreme/Ghost king'. He then investigated his death and learned about the altered faiths. Full of hatred, he plotted revenge with the help of another ghost king. The 'crimson rain sought flower/Hua cheng'. And he infiltrated the heavens by impersonating the earth master, Ming yi.

He befriended Shi Qingxuan and acted as a spy of the heavenly realm. Years passed, and he finally started his revenge. Starting with scaring The wind master to the point he seeked help to the 'Crown prince of Xianle, Xie lian'.

The kind prince helped him and together, they faced various hardships.

After nearly an hour, the play finally ended with the brother of the Wind master beheaded and him tied in rails.

'He xuan' walked to the wind masters direction and looked at his face that's wet with tears.

"Do you have something you want to say" he asked using a cold voice.

'Wind master', with his head bowed down, hands tied up by chains, silently weeped and said;

"I want to die"

Hearing this, 'He xuan' humphed.

"Dream on."

With that, the curtains closed.

The whole crowd was silent for a while before they cheered loudly. Some praising the fantastic play, some expressing their sympathy, some sympathized with how their relationship ended. Overall, no one hated the play and bombarded it with praises. The actors also did a really good job portraying emotions. Everyone at the studio can't take their eyes of the stage the whole time.

After a while, the curtains opened again and there stood the casts of the play.

"Good day!" They all said in unison and introduced themselves one by one.

"Hi fellow schoolmates, teachers, my name is Shi Qingxuan, played the role of the 'Lord Wind master, Shi Qingxuan'." He said with a smile while waving at the crowd. Then he nudged the one beside him and whispered "He-xiong, you're next!". His whisper was still heard by the audience because of his mic and everyone chuckled.

"He xuan. I played the role 'Black water submerging boats, Ghost King Demon Xuan' and 'Lord earth master, Ming yi'." He said after he rolled his eyes at Shi qingxuan. After him, Xie lian introduced himself.

"Good morning everyone, I'm Xie lian. I played the role 'Crown prince of Xianle, Xie lian'." He said with his usual smile and turned to Hua cheng next to him.

"Hua cheng. Played the role 'Crimson rain sought flower, Ghost King Hua chengzhu'." He plainly said. After him, the others also introduced themselves.

After they all finished, they all bowed saying; "Thank you for watching" and exited the stage.


A/n :

Yes. They acted the beefleaf arc :'))

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