Chapter 33

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"That's why I'm here to make up for that regret. This time, no one should hinder our relationship. I'll surely make you mine, mu qing. MINE!"

Chen zhu ran towards them and pulled a knife from his back. He swung his right hand, attempting to hit feng xins face.

Feng xin stepped back and leaned on the side and hit Chen zhu's stomach with his knee. He then elbowed his back making him slump down.

Chen zhu, after landing on the floor, instantly turned around and swung his knife.

"Ah." Feng xins elbow was scratched by the knife and bled. Feng xin attempted to stomp his stomach but his leg was firmly catched by Cheng zhu and dragged it to the side, making him fall down.

Cheng zhu got on top of him and held the knife on his right hand. He raised his arm and was about to stab it on feng xin when something knocked it out of his hand.

Cheng zhu turned his head and saw mu qing looking at him with tears and rage on his eyes, holding his sabre.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You still do fencing?" Chen zhu laughed and dodged as mu qing swung his sabre towards him. "That's a real one right there. Are you planning on killing me? Haha."

Mu qing didn't say anything and continued swinging his sabre, aiming accurately.

Chen zhu kept avoiding and picked the knife up and parried him.

"I see you've improved. Why dont you impress your shixiong." Cheng zhu smirked and started striking.

Mu qing was still in rage and was careless with his moves. He's blocking Cheng zhu's attacks while thinking of a plan on how to struck his enemy when Cheng zhu suddenly turned to feng xin.


Cheng zhu was approaching him with a fast speed and stretched his hand, aiming for him. Feng xin stood and made a stance before slightly dodging. He held his extended hand and pulled it making the other stumble towards him.

He then twisted chen zhu's hand into his back and grabbed the back of his neck and pinned it against the wall.

"I didn't know you do sabre. That's quite hot." Feng xin commented.

Mu qing was stunned for a moment before he strode over and hit the back of his head. "It's not the fucking right time for jokes."

"It's not a joke though." Feng xin mumbled.

"Tsk. Whatever. Not bad." Mu qing said looking at Chen zhu who was pinned on the wall.

"I studi-Ack" Feng xin loosened his grip and lightly stepped back. In this span of moment, Chen zhu managed to turn around and kick his stomach.

"Always gotta bring extra." Chen zhu said showing the knife on his hand with stains of blood.

Feng xin held the side of his thigh. He raised his hand that was wet with blood.

Mu qing pointed his sabre at him and his feng xin behind his back.

"You still have a lot to learn. Step aside." Chen zhu said and effortlessly parried all mu qings attack, sliding his knife on mu qings sabre and and stepped pass him, elbowing his nape.


Mu qing slumped down the floor unconcious.

Chen zhu then turned his gaze to feng xin who just finished tying a piece of cloth on his open wound to stop the bleeding.

"Now let's deal with you." Chen zhu said with his sinister smile.

Feng xin sat mu qing down and rested mu qings back against the wall. Feng xin glared at him before standing up, preparing for any attacks.

"Don't get too cocky just because you managed to restrain me once."

"I wont let my guard down against a psycho." Feng xin retorted before advancing and throwing a kick, aimed at chen zhu's chin.

Chen zhu backed up to dodge and held feng xin's leg up. Seeing his act, feng xin smirked and held the hands holding his leg before gathering his strength and jumped up, kicking chen zhu's head with his other leg.

With the impact, chen zhu fell, releasing Feng xins leg so he managed to land perfectly fine.

Chen zhu sighed. "He's right. Not fucking bad!" He exclaimed as he slashed mu qings sabre that was laying on the floor.

Feng xin managed to dodge, enough not slash his whole face. But his cheek was hit and now flowing with blood.

Chen zhu stood up wielding the sabre with his left hand and knife on his right. He smirked and started swinging the sabre. Feng xin didn't have a choice but to dodge every attack and step back. He also couldn't go near him and attack because of the knife. So, he just kept parrying and dodging.

Feng xin was clearly at a disadvantage as he got small cuts on every part of his body.

Feng xin built up the courage to charge forward through the outside of chen zhu's left arm so that the knife on his right hand couldn't reach him completely.

Feng xin held chen zhu's wrist that was holding the sabre and twisted it. They heard a bone crack and the sabre fell from Chen zhu's grasp.

"AGH!" Chen zhu stepped back to create a distance between them.

Feng xin felt a stinging pain coming from every part of his body. He looked down and saw different sized wounds all over him.

"Tsk. This is why I'm no good in the kitchen. I fucking hate knives." He said enduring the stings.

Chen zhu chuckled while holding his broken wrist. "Well how unlucky. Blades are my forte." He said before running to feng xins direction.

Feng xin threw a punch but he ducked to dodge. He ran past him and slashed the back of his knee with the knife. It wasn't a deep severe cut but it still made feng xin kneel down. Chen zhu then grabbed his hair and pulled him down before getting on top of him, pinning his two arms on the floor with his two legs.

"Now you have a reason to hate knives more." Chen zhu said holding the knife on feng xins neck.

Feng xin just smirked at his remark. "Nah. Is there a person on earth who hates the murderers murder weapon? No. It's the murderer that they hate. Therefore, I have more reasons to hate YOU more."

"You fucking irritate me." Chen zhu said and lightly pressed the blade on feng xins neck, a small stream of blood flowing. "Die assho-AGH!" Chen zhu collapsed to his side, holding his head that was bleeding.

He turned around and saw mu qing holding a broken vase on his one hand. The broken shards were everywhere, reflecting the madness on mu qings face while looking down on him.

Mu qing quickly crouched down to check on feng xin. "You asshole why do you have so many fucking wounds!" Mu qings voice was trembling at the sight of the bloody feng xin trying to sit up.

"You're finally awake. I'm not a bad fighter but that guys got some fucking moves it infuriates me." Feng xin said.

"But still how did you mana-" Mu qings words faded as he saw feng xins eyes widen looking at his back. He turned around and saw chen zhu about to slash his sabre at him.

It was definitely that moment. When your life flashes back infront of you

Without thinking, feng xin hugged mu qings head and got infront of him, making him on top of mu qing.

He shut his eyes, waiting for the sabre to slash his back when a loud crash sounded.

"Nice throw pei bro!"

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