Chapter 25

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After the band competition, Feng xin finally managed to escape Jian lan. Feng xin sighed and walked in the room. The first thing he noticed was mu qing sitting on his seat and Zu xian sitting beside him, in Lang Qianqius seat.

For some reason, Feng xin didn't really want to be at the same place with them at the moment. So, he turned around and started walking away.

He arrived at the rooftop. He looked around and found a shaded place. He laid down there and listlessly watched the clouds pass by.

"Why am I even avoiding them?" He thinks.

"Mu qing's past.."

Feng xin sighed and sat up. "Outsiders shouldn't interfere. "

"What can I even help him with. He already have Zu xian."

Feng xin scratched his head at the thought and frustratingly laid down again. "It's literally none of my business. Right. Mu qing is none of my business.."

The second day of the sports fest was over and today was finally the last day. Feng xin is still trying his best to avoid mu qing. He didn't even know why. He just wanted to. But all his efforts were no use because he and Mu qing were dragged by Xie lian to the cafeteria to eat together.

The bags under mu qings eyes were impossible to not notice. He looked like he didn't sleep a wink. When Xie lian asked him about it, he just said it's nothing.

They were eating lunch and was just chatting when Xie lian asked.

"What should we do after this?"

"What time will the debate start?" Mu qing asked.

"It was held earlier. Why?"

Mu qing looked at Xie lian while chewing. "Oh. Nothing I wanted to watch it."


"Well, Ling wen is one of our representatives."

"So you wanted to watch because of Ling wen?" Feng xin asked with a brow raised. But instantly takes it back with a; "Nevermind." And resumed eating. Mu qing eyed him for a moment but still answered.

"Mhm. I was hoping to see her lose her composure."

"Oh." Feng xin only replied, still looking down his meal not noticing Mu qing's frustrated glare at him.

"The competitions being held later will only be the cooking battle and pageant." Xie lian interrupted.

"Gege why don't we just go back to our room." Hua cheng said while pouting.

"San lang its such a waste to stay in our room. Let's do something fun alright?"

"If gege says so." Hua cheng shrugged and continued eating.

Feng xin thought for a moment and said; "Why don't we watch the pageant then?"

"Sure!" Xie lian agreed.

"Why? Because your girlfriend is a participant?" Mu qing sarcastically asked.

"What? Who? Jian lan?" Feng xin turned to him with burrowed brows.

"I didn't even mention a name." Mu qing replied also turning to look at him.

"It's fucking obvious. She's literally the only girl I ever talked to aside from Ling wen ever since I transferred here."

"Why didn't you think it was ling wen then?"

"Mu qing just what the fuck are you implying?"

"Nothing really. Just guessing why you wanted to watch the pageant so much."

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