Chapter 24

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Feng xin and Mu qing are now on their way back to their room.

When they arrived, Zu xian and Lang Qianqiu were talking at the corner. When they saw Mu qing and Feng xin entering, they quickly returned to their seats.

Feng xin on the other hand, glanced at them and met eyes with Zu xian. There, he avoided eye contact and silently went straight to his chair. While Mu qing was just observing him. Seeing him walking straight to his chair without even giving him a glance, Mu qing became confused and just went to his own seat.

Not a minute later, Zu xian approached him. "I informed the facilitator. Our class is disqualified from the 200m race."

"Oh. Okay. Sorry." Mu qing said while still taking glances on Feng xin's side. Seeing him, Zu xian looked at Feng xin's direction.

Feng xin was sitting on his chair and looking through the plastic bag infront of him. He took out some bandages and antiseptic when one of his classmates approached him. They talked for a while before feng xin stood up while scratching the back of his head with a little smile on his face. After that, he turned to the door and started walking out. Before he got out completely, Mu qing and Zu xian heard their classmate say— "Make sure to thank your girl eh?!"

Hearing the statement, Mu qing froze and his expression turned sour before he harshly took his bag and pulled out his phone and a pair of earpods.

"Hmph." And he turned to the window looking at the calm sky completely forgetting Zu xian infront of him.

The little tantrum earned a chuckle from Zu xian before he went back to his seat.

Minutes later, Mu qing was just listening to some random music on his playlist when he saw Feng xin getting dragged out of their building by the same girl that gave him medicine.

Mu qing got up and walked to the window and observed them. Jian lan was pulling him to the direction of the gym.

While walking, they suddenly stopped. Feng xin's back was facing him and Jian lan who was infront of him suddenly leaned in. In his view, it seemed like Jian lan gave him a peck on the lips.

"Ha. 'She's not my girlfriend'. Asshole."

Mu qings face turned cold when someone tapped his shoulder.

"Hey. What're you doing?"

"Perfect timing. I wanted to watch the band competition come with me Captain." Mu qing said and pulled Zu xian by the wrist.


"I said I want to watch the battle of the bands! Come with me yeah?" Mu qing said still walking fast down the stairs.

"I will but, why so suddenly?"

"It's not sudden. I wanted to watch uh.... Qianqiu. Yes. I want to watch Lang Qianqiu's performance."

Zu xian just looked at mu qings back then at his wrist thats being held by mu qing, a small smile appearing on his face.







When Mu qing and Zu xian arrived, it was already the 3rd to the last performance. They heard the strums of the guitar as Zu xian looked for a place to settle. Mu qing on the other hand, was secretly glancing around.

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