Lazy Days (For Morgan)

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You’re lying in bed on a warm Sunday morning with the sun just creeping in through cracks in the blinds. You fold back the covers and begin to slide out of bed before a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, stopping you.  

“Mhmnnhhm” he groans. You giggle, letting yourself be pulled back against his warm chest.

“What was that?” you say. He squeezes you tighter.

“Do you have to get up?” the words muffled by the pillow he has pressed against his face.

“Well I guess I could stay for a few more minutes”

You both lay there, comfortably wrapped up in each other’s arms. Eventually you feel him begin to stir.

“So Morgan, what do you want to do today?” he says, much more cheerful than he had been earlier.

“Well I don’t know Nash, what do you think?” He thinks for a moment before getting out of bed and running off down stairs. You get up and begin to get ready for the day, brushing through your hair and slipping into your favourite outfit. You’re just putting on some light make up when Nash comes into the room. He flips you over his shoulder and carries you downstairs.

“Nash what are you doing!” you cry. He chuckles before going outside and placing you into the passenger seat of his car. He quickly jogs back up to the front door, locking it. He slips into the driver’s seat and begins to drive off. You have no idea where you’re going and nothing looks familiar.

“Where are we going?” you mumble more to yourself than anyone else. He smiles but continues driving without a reply. This goes on for almost 20 minutes when you pull into a small parking lot. He comes around and opens your door, immediately covering your eyes when you get out.

“What are you doing!” you giggle. He leads you along a path away from the parking lot. When he finally uncovers your eyes you’re standing in the middle of a beautiful field.

“Nash I-“

“Ian told me about this place.”

“It’s amazing”

He takes off a backpack which he must have slipped on once your eyes were covered and takes out some food and a blanket. He arranges it all perfectly before gesturing for you to come over and sit in his lap. The two of you stay there all day, enjoying the amazing food Nash has prepared and at one stage chasing each other around the field.

When the sun begins to set he lies down facing the sky and pulls you gently so your head is resting against his chest.

“I love you Morgan” he mumbles softly. You nuzzle closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

“I love you Nash”.

I hope I did it justice beautiful :)

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