Beat You! (Ryan) (Dedicated to my awesome twinsie RaeChelle ;P)

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  • Dedicated to @rachiekingy72

You awake to the loud beeping of your clock. You looked at the time [6:00am]. With a subtle moan you roll out of bed, making your way to the closet. You change into some loose shorts and a sweater then make your way out the door. You head down to the beach and begin jogging along the shoreline. You love it down here, it's just so peaceful. After about a mile you feel someone following you. Quickly looking back you see a skinny looking guy jogging along behind. You slow down so he can catch up. "Hey" he says. "Hey" you reply. You both continue jogging side by side for a little longer before he speaks up again. "You come here often?". "That's your pick up line?" you say, smiling a little. "That depends if it worked or not" he jokes. You hate to admit it, but it did. "I'm Y/N" you say, still jogging steadily. "I like that name" he says, matching your strides, "I'm Ryan". "Well Ryan...". He catches the tone in your voice and looks at you with a sly expression, "Race ya!". You take off up the beach going as fast as you can. You know you're not the best runner but at that moment it seemed like a smart idea. After almost 2 minutes of full on sprinting you start to slow down before you feel someone (who you assume is Ryan) crash into the back of you, causing you both to fall to the ground. You lay on the sand trying to catch your breath with Ryan doing the same next to you. "That" you say through your gasps. He just laughs. You roll onto your side so you're facing him. "I think I beat you". He turns so that his face is only centimetres away from yours. "Oh really?". He stands up and swiftly lifts you up bridal style. "Ryan what are you doing" you laugh. "You just made me run so hard I thought I was going to cough up a lung" he says, "so know I think it's time for some payback". You realise he is carrying you towards to the ocean and you begin to squirm, trying to escape his hold. "P-please no!" you cry. The waves splash up against his legs and he continues to walk out deeper. "Ryan!" you pleed "Let me go!". "You want me to let you go?" he teases. "YES!" you yell. "Well...okay then" and with that he drops you into the icy water. It takes your breath away. You fling your arms around trying to pull yourself above the waves before he takes your hand and helps you. When you open your eyes you find yourself face to face with Ryan, his beautiful eyes staring into yours. And that smile. You place your arms around his neck as he lifts you up wrapping your legs around his waist. He brushes your dripping hair away from your face. You go to say something but he leans towards you, placing his soft lips on yours. You close you eyes and lace your fingers through his hair. After what seems like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds he pulls away. "Sorry" he says shyly "I-I got carried awa...". Before he could finish his sentence you kiss him again. "Shut up" you say, nuzzling your head into his neck as you felt him slip his hands around your waist and pull you in closer.

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