Bahamas (Ian)

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Thankyou for the wonderful idea Abbey!! This is one of my bet ones in a long time :3 Tried to make it as cute as possible and I hadn't done an Ian one in a while so...enjoy my lovelys

“Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe” Ian whines once again from the hotel bed. “Can’t you unpack later? I wanna go to the beach!”. You laugh and continue rummaging around in your suitcase. The band had decided that before their next big tour you should all go off on a holiday together. The boys and their girlfriends. You’d all settled on the Bahamas and were currently in your rooms (separate ones for each couple of course) settling in. You take your make up bag into the bathroom and turn around to find Ian blocking the door, your favourite bikini in his hand. “Ian what are you doing?” you laugh softly as you walk over towards him. “We’re going to the beach, Ryan and Morgan are coming too”. “I have to unpack babe” you try to go past him but he doesn’t move. He holds the bikini out in front of him. “Either you’re putting this on or I’ll do it for you” he has a serious expression on his face and you can’t help but smile. “You’re going to put on my bikini? Don’t think it’ll match your skin tone babe” you smirk. He takes a step towards you. “okay okay!” you take the bikini and push him out the door.

The hot white sand burns your feet as you and Ian make your way over to where Ryan and Morgan are already relaxing. Ian must have noticed as he suddenly picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. “Thanks babe” you say as you kiss the back of his neck. Once you reach your spot you go to get down but Ian just grips you tighter. You can hear him talking to Ryan. “Hey man, just going to head into the water. Y/n has been begging to go in since we got here”. You hear Ryan chuckle at your response, “What?! No! IAN!” you squeal as he suddenly takes off, full sprint into the crashing blue waves. He runs out to where it is just more than waist deep and tosses you in. You must admit, the water is beautiful. When you surface you turn away from him, facing the horizon and crossing your arms. He wades over behind you and wraps his arms over yours. “Go away, I’m mad at you” you try your best to pout but it never works. He begins leaving soft little kisses along your neck, sending butterflies through your entire being. “You know you love me” he mumbles against your skin. He moves his hands so they’re placed firmly on your hips and he spins you to face him. “You loooooove me” he says teasingly. You can’t help but smile as you feel your cheeks beginning to turn the brightest shades of pink. Even though you’ve been dating for a while now he still makes you blush. You look away but he just places a finger under your chin, gently pulling your face to his and planting a perfect kiss on your lips.

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