Do you love me? (Nash)

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"Grow up you fucking asshole!" you scream at your boyfriend Nash. Ever since he got back from HCR's last tour it seems all you've done is fight over every little thing. This time it was because he wanted to go clubbing again, 5th night this week, and you just wanted to stay home.  

"Shit y/n get over yourself!" he yells back, 

"You never let me have any fun!" 

"You've gone out every night this week! What if I wanted to spend time with you huh?!" 

"Why would I want to spend time with someone like you?" he snaps. You're instantly taken aback. Did he mean that? Someone like me?  

"Well I won't make you spend anymore time with me" you sigh, defeated as you make your way upstairs to the bedroom you and Nash shared. You begin packing as much of your clothes into the small duffel bag as you can. It was Nash's idea that you move in. He wanted to know you'd be there when he came back. You try not to let the tears spill down your cheeks but a few manage to defy you.  

"y/n...?" Nash stands in the doorway, the anger that plagued his face earlier now replaced with concern.  

"y/n what are you doing?"  

"I told you...I'm not going to make you spend any more time with someone like me" 

"babe no I didn't mean it like tha-.." 

"Like what Nash?!" 

"Please just...don't go" 

You zip up the bag and pull it onto your shoulder before slipping around Nash and walking calmly to the front door. Great. Of course it'd be raining. You step outside and begin walking down along the road. You don't know where to go. You moved a fair way to be with Nash so family wasn't an option and the guys were on the other side of town.  

"y/n!" you hear him call behind you,  

"y/n wait up! please!" 

You turn sharply 

"Why should I?" Once he sees you've stopped he rushes over, standing only a metre in front of you.  

"Why should I wait Nash?" you whisper. 

"because I love you" 

"you don't love me Nash" 


"You don't fight with the ones you love. Not like we do" 

"Listen y/n. I love you. More than anything or anyone else in the world. You have to believe me!" you can hear the desperation in his voice. 

"Then prove it!"  

It happens so fast. One second Nash is standing in front of you the next you're in his arms, his soft lips pressed hard against yours. You stay like this, not moving, rain dripping from your hair and mixing with the tears falling down your cheeks. Nash pulls away slightly, his lips pausing only an inch away from yours.  

"I. love. you" he says quietly, staring straight into your eyes.  

"I love you too" you say before his scoops you up and carries you back to the house.

Pretty shit but you guys wanted more so...yeah. enjoy

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