NINE - A Guest

45 4 11

Date Published: 210916

Edited: 220902


During these 4 months, they already teach each other various things in their own field and Sowon also finally started with her team again. It was already in July and the national match is going to be held in September after that, everyone can focus on their exam in the later quarter of the year.

Sowon and Sejoo are still as usual. Sowon trying hard to make sure she doesn't replay the incident from before inside her head and she can see that Sejoo is standing still with his words to forget what happened on that day, making it easier for Sowon to do it too.

Today is finally Saturday and Sowon has a friendly basketball match at their school in the morning. As usual, with the comeback she made, her team wins easily. The weather is unexpectedly fine today. It was forecasted as rainy yesterday but then the weary proved the forecast wrong. Sowon and Sejoo are supposed to have their basketball class today.

Sejoo knocks on the glass window of the luxurious car in front of him and after three knocks, the driver rolls down the window for him.

"Yes, Young Master?" - Jaehyuk starts.

Jaehyuk scrunches his eyebrows since it was rare for their Young Master to interact with them in public. Especially in his school like this.

"Let me in. I want you to send me to the Jung's house after this." - Sejoo beams.

"But Young Master... I am pointed to look after Lady Sowon as of now. I am supposed to bring her home." - Jaehyuk explains to his new Young Master.

"I know. Just let me in and wait for Sowon inside. We are having basketball class after this but I'm dropping by the Jung's first to take a few of my things there. Plus, I want to change my attire too." - Sejoo looking down at his drenched attire making Jaehyuk do the same.

"Ah, alright then." - Jaehyuk attempt to get out of the car and open the back door for the Young Master.

"It's okay Jaehyuk hyung." - Sejoo closes back the door on Jaehyuk's side.

"I can do it by myself hyung. No need to treat me like that okay? At least not for now if you insist." - Sejoo enters the car by himself and sits there while scrolling his phone.

Not long after, Sowon enters the car and wears her seatbelt. She didn't even notice that Sejoo is right beside her.

"Oppa, let's head back home. Seems like I got no basketball class today." - Sowon said while putting on her seatbelt.

"But Lady Sowon, Sir Sejoo..."

Jaehyuk's words got cut off by Sowon.

"I can't find Sejoo anywhere. I called him but seems like the battery on his phone drained."

"Then, who am I?" - The low bass voice said.

It makes Sowon shocked while looking at her left.

"Ya! You startled me!" - Sowon shouts and she hits Sejoo on his shoulder.

"Aish! It hurts!" - Sejoo then rubs the area where Sowon hits him just now.

"Oppa, where are we going? I want to go home." - Sowon asks while looking around the scenery outside, totally ignoring Sejoo beside her.

"Sir Chan...."

Sejoo bulges his eyes from the spectacle that he wears, ready to hint to Jaehyuk about it but Jaehyuk is quick to realise his mistake.

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