Ch.28: Getting The Ball Rolling

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"First and foremost, I got to explain where the heist is happening. I'm pretty sure there are some of you who don't know exactly who we're going after. So I'm just gonna lay it out here. We are gonna rob Red Sun Casino. It's run by Lionheart, a criminal organization run by none other than my 'darling husband.'" Siyeon rolled her eyes and sarcastically said the last two words.

"Wait, that Taehyung?! Since when?! You guys aren't together anymore?!" Handong was asking a flurry of questions since she didn't know about the situation and knew him in person. She figured that they were talking about a different Taehyung earlier.

"I saw him for who he truly was. He broke my heart and I'm still hurting from it. It hasn't been that long since it happened, so I'm still trying to heal. But my heartbreak isn't the reason why we're doing this. His organization has too much power. People are scared to stand up to him. Someone's gotta do something and I'm hoping it's gonna be us."

"Isn't this a little too dangerous for us?" Handong asked, worried.

"Don't worry, we are taking as much care as we can to avoid any danger. Just trust us."

"For now, I will."

"Great! Now let's get to the plan. We can't go too much into the heist at the moment. We have to do recon first before we come up with a solid plan. For the few of you who don't know, we scope out the place before we rob it. It's definitely the most important part of our process, so I wanted to talk about it in detail. It would be fine to recon a few days before we start, but considering how big this place is and how tight security is going to be, we need a week or two. What we do is enter the place pretending to be patrons and scope out the place for any secret doors or security cameras and create our route for the robbery."

"How will we know about the secret doors?" Yoohyeon asked.

Dami explained the process through the speakers. "The internet's a magical place. It's easy to find the floor plans of any business. For a door that leads to a room that you don't think is on the plans, that's what you keep note of. As for the security cameras, we would usually have a jammer in the shape of a coin we flip towards the cameras to jam them. While, yes the coin would be a perfect disguise at a casino, it can be very suspicious to flip when the guards are always on edge in a huge business like this. Because of that, it will be plan B. Plan A will depend on Jiu. I hope I didn't put much pressure on you."


"Yes. Like you said, you were the security manager. You are the best chance we got at getting into the main security area. Instead of just placing jammers on the cameras, we can get to the entire system that controls them. Compared to Plan B, this is the least suspicious way to hack the cameras. Is there any way you can have access back there without raising any red flags?"

"My locker was in the security room since I was there the majority of the day. The day I got fired, I just left that day in anger. I haven't gone back yet. Hopefully, they would let me go back there to get the rest of my stuff I left behind, and hopefully, they have the decency to not throw any of my things away. Either way, I think I do have a chance."

"Good. If you do, I'll have you take a jammer with you and you can find a way to get it attached to the control panel. It doesn't have to be in a specific place, but it has to be on the panel somehow. If it's impossible for you to do so, then we'll do plan B"

"I'll try."

"Anyways Siyeon, you can continue."

"Thank you, Panda. Now, where was I? Oh yeah! So, we won't necessarily need everyone for this. We mostly need the ones who are infiltrating the place to go, but I won't stop any of the others to join us. Be careful of how you present yourself. If we look too suspicious, we have more attention on us. Sure, they might not expect us to do a heist, but they can still suspect us of cheating and that could get us kicked out for good. It would be extremely hard to get everything planned out smoothly if that happens. We have to be as normal as possible, so we can't be obvious when we're looking for things. We are supposed to be casino players, so try to have fun while doing this but remember not to get too carried away. Any other questions before we move on?"

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