Ch.40: Work in Progress

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Siyeon loved the way they started to bond the night before, so she suggested to the group that they should go to the cafe not far from the apartment. It's been a bit since most of the group has been there and the place was entirely new to Gahyeon and Handong. It was perfect. The rest of the group agreed and decided to meet there. From the enthusiasm that Siyeon and Sua showed, Gahyeon and Handong were curious about how good this place actually was.

They sat at one of the tables and a familiar waitress walked up to them. "Hey guys! It's been a while! For a second there, I thought you found a new cafe to go to. How have you guys been?" Sana asked, surprised to see them again.

"No, of course we wouldn't. I love this place. We just didn't have time. We've been busy lately."

"Doing what if you don't mind me asking?"

Siyeon, for some reason, didn't think that Sana would ask for details. "Well, I've been working more at the shop lately."

"As for me, my job gets pretty demanding sometimes too." Sua also answered.

"Oh. What do you do?"

Unlike Siyeon's internal panic, Sua was calm. She was asked this before and she always had an answer prepared. "I'm a choreographer. I get offers to help shows out. I'm surprised I haven't told you this yet, Sana."

"Oh, cool! Have you done anything for the theater?"

"Sometimes. It depends on the director. For now, I'm not, but maybe Yoohyeon here could put in a good word for me. She acts there from time to time." She says pointing at a surprised Yoohyeon.

"Oh, sure. No problem. I'm good friends with the director."

"What about you, Sana?"

"Just the usual. Trying to survive college. I might get a new internship. It just depends if it'll work out for me."

"That's great! Congrats, Sana. Maybe you'll be able to get out of this place."

"I like it here, though. I love the environment and interacting with customers. I'd miss you guys if I left."

"Who said you couldn't come back? Next time, you could be here sitting at the table with us as a customer yourself."

"Good point. I look forward to it." Noticing that they had been chatting for too long, Sana had to move the conversation along. "Well, it's nice to see new faces here. I hope I get to see you more. My name is Sana. What can I get you?"

"Do you have any suggestions?" Handong asked.

"I don't know your coffee preferences, but I suggest the blueberry scones. I've had them here and they are so good."

"I'll take that then and an Americano." Handong smiled at Sana.

"Me too!" Gahyeon added.

"Alright, and the usual for the rest of you?" Sana pointed. They all nodded. After everyone gave their orders, she told them she'd come back with their food after she helped the next customer at the table next to them. Still in earshot, the group could hear Sana talk to the person at the table. "Hey Dami! What can I get you?" Shocked, Sua and Siyeon looked back at the other table after Sana left. To their surprise, there she was, slightly smiling at them. Dami looked down for a bit until there was a ding coming from Sua's and Siyeon's phones.

Don't give anything away. You guys
have the worst poker faces.

What are you even doing here then?

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