Ch. 53: Calm Before the Storm (Pt. 1)

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For at least one night in this stressful week, everyone wanted time for themselves or with their significant others. They've run the plan over and over in their heads. So much to the point that it'll become second nature to them once they get going. Although they can't completely block it out of their minds for a short while, they needed a break. If the entire week was full of worry and what-ifs, it would drive them insane. They needed at least one night away from it. Burnout wouldn't do anyone any good.

"It's been a bit since we got the place to ourselves." Jiu broke the silence after snuggling in bed with Yoohyeon for a while.

"It has, hasn't it? I'm so used to Siyeon being here, that now it's weird that she's not." For the time being, Jiu and Yoohyeon were alone in the apartment, while Siyeon decided to go to Sua and Dami's.

"They must be driving Dami nuts over there. I admire her willpower dealing with those two."

"Why's that? Were they that bad? Siyeon was a little goofy when I was working with her, but you make seem like it's way worse."

"In high school it was. Not in a bad way, though. They were a lot of fun. It's just that whenever they joined forces, it got a bit chaotic. I'm just imagining how it could be now that they're dating each other."

"Sounds fun. Weirdly enough, I never got to see Sua while we were working. I only knew she existed from the many many things Siyeon said about her. She's smaller than I expected."

"Said by the tree." Jiu playfully teased using the nickname Yoohyeon's friends at school gave her and after telling Jiu that story, she never lived that down.

Yoohyeon laughed. "Whatever." She changed her position to lay on her back as she thought about something. "What are we gonna do after this thing's over? You know, besides getting a new home."

"A long overdue vacation. Maybe somewhere tropical. I don't know. It depends on what you want to do."

Yoohyeon turned her head to face Jiu. "As long as I'm with you, I'd be fine going anywhere." 

Jiu leaned in and kissed her for a while before they had to pull apart. "I'm looking forward to it. That and many other surprises I have planned."

"Same with me as well. Only for me, I'm keeping everything a surprise. I won't tell you a single hint."

"Oh really? Are you sure about that? I recall you spoiling some of your surprises in the past."

"Well, this time's different. My lips are sealed." Yoohyeon mimicked zipping her lips like a zipper.

"Your very cute lips." Jiu gave her another peck before staring at her. "God, I love you. I can't wait to live peaceful lives without a care in the world. Just a few more days before everything changes. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be. I'm still nervous about it, but I trust everyone now."

"Even Sua?"

"We've had that rough patch, but yeah, I fully trust her now. I should be asking this to you. Are you ok after you two argued?"

"Not gonna lie, she did piss me off at the time. But once she came around and appreciated me, I forgave her. I thought about it too. I can see where she's coming from. I can tell she cares. She's just worried for everyone and that's the same with all of us. No one wants anything bad to happen to any of us."

"You asked me this a while ago, but I never got to ask you the same. Are you sure you want to do this? Do you have any regrets for joining?"

"Of course not. We're taking down a huge, evil organization that makes people's lives a living hell, while also wanting to live the life we always wanted. It's a win-win situation for everyone. I don't regret anything when it comes to you."

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