Ch. 32: Unwanted Attention

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Elsewhere in the casino, Handong and Gahyeon were having a chat with a middle-aged couple on the roulette table while Yoohyeon was on the side, quietly listening in.

"Bachelorette party, huh? Together? That's cute.  Saves money too. Are your future husbands doing the same thing?"

"Oh. No, you don't understand. We're getting married to each other." Gahyeon politely corrected the woman.

"Oh, my mistake. Wouldn't it ruin the fun if you're just having the party together? Usually, the fiancees would have their own parties away from the future spouse. You know, the last chance of living the single life before you're married."

"Like you said, it saves money. We had a choice of doing cheaper things separately or having it together and splurge. Since we both really wanted to go here, we decided on the latter option. This is our first time here. How long have you two been going here?" Handong explained to them.

"Too long." The man laughed.

"Anything exciting happen?" Gahyeon asked.

"We never won anything worthwhile. The more exciting stuff happens away from the slots."

"What do you mean? Like the table games?"

"No, I mean the drama. There are lots of rumors lately of the new owner and his business dealings. I've heard that he usually meets a group of men dressed in suits once a week. Since he started owning this place, there were a couple of times in the past couple of weeks where they go towards that room over there." As the man speaks, he points to an employee-only door. "I haven't seen it for myself, though. I also hear that they do drug dealings back there. At least that's the more believable theory. There are some outrageous ones like making ritual sacrifices. People can be really creative sometimes. Some people also think that ridiculous rumor is true. It baffles me. No one else even goes back there, except for those men and all of them exit perfectly fine." The man laughs for a second before looking back towards the trio. "I do believe something's happening back there, though. Why would an employee-only area just happen to have a guard placed there all the time? Plus, I've noticed none of the employees have ever entered that door whenever we were here. I might be paranoid, but I'd be careful in that area if I were you. Don't get in the men's way, just in case. I also don't suggest asking the staff about it. It's none of our business anyway and they are just trying to do their job."

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks." Handong answered. After the wheel finished spinning, it was their opportunity to leave the area. "Babe, I don't think luck's on our side tonight. Let's try a different game."

"Sure. It was nice you meet you both. Good luck!" Gahyeon responded.

"Same to you two. Congratulations!"

"Thank you." Handong said as she and Gahyeon left. After a few minutes more at the table, Yoohyeon squeezed one of the gems on her necklace and took a quick picture of the door before she left to go with them.

After a bit of walking around, the group spotted Jiu. "Hey guys, any luck so far?"

"We profited a bit, how about you?" Gahyeon answered. They had to have their conversation as ambiguous as possible in a place like this. It needed to fit in with the setting.

"Great, I feel like I hit the jackpot." Jiu giggled at her own pun. She looked towards Yoohyeon. "Come on, babe. Let's do something about these 'winnings'."

Yoohyeon was relieved to see her again. She was tense for most of the night, but now that her girlfriend was back, she can calm down. "Sounds fun. See you guys soon! Let us know if you win anything!" She shouted back at the other two as they walked away. She turned her attention back to Jiu and intertwined her fingers with hers. "I'm so happy you're here. I don't know how much longer I could manage keeping my poker face."

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