Chapter 9 (Nightmare To Remember)

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(Sisu) "lets discuss this later, first things first, Ryuu needs to eat, and go to bed."

Almost right on que I yawned.

(Raya) "I have some jerky he could eat."

(Sisu) "Ok and if not there is always another option." She completely forgot ho bad Raya's jerky was.

(Raya) "here little guy enjoy."

she hands me a piece of jerky and I tried to eat it, is it supposed to be so tough, I can hardly even bite it. After trying for a few minutes I spit it out, and looked at it disgustedly.

(Pranee) "I guess he is not a fan."

(Raya) "o well more for me."

(Sisu) "Anything in the market at this time?"

(Raya) "I'm sure I can find something, be back in a few."

Why do I feel like this is going to end very poorly, Well if I could speak I would tell them that fish is fine, it is meaty and taste rather good, raw or cooked.

After a few minutes Raya returned with a weird container, that has some sort of liquid in it, as well as a few cooked fish.

(Sisu) "that could work, and the other item, will be a surprise for him, I don't think he has ever had it."

(Pranee) "I got to see this."

Raya hands me a small fish and I start to slowly eat it, and as soon as she hands momma and Aunt Pranee some fish, I swallowed the rest of my fish whole.

When she turns back, she was surprised to see no fish by me.

(Sisu) "I forgot to mention, he really likes to eat fish."

(Raya) "ok well at least he ate something, now lets try a drink."

Raya gets something that can hold liquid and pored some of the white substance into it.

(Raya) "go ahead its safe."

After looking at it for a while I licked it, to get a basic taste, to see if I even liked it, and I did. Soon enough my head was as low as possible in the creamy substance, almost looked like I was inhaling the creamy white stuff.

(Pranee) "well it looks like he likes milk."

So it is milk, I like it, I look at Raya, giving her the any more look.

(Sisu) "I think he wants more."

(Raya) "so it would seem."

Raya pores the rest of the milk in the bowl, and not even 10 seconds later the milk was gone, and some of it was all over me.

(Sisu) "well I guess its bath time, for Ryuu, and then time for bed."

(Pranee) "gunna go swim in the river?"

(Sisu) "actually I'm gonna do something different. cant let the rest of the milk go to waste."

(Pranee) "well I will leave you to it, and go find a place to sleep for tonight."

(Raya) "here let me show you to where you can sleep."

(Pranee) "thanks."

I look at her, and one thing comes to mind, RUN. Before I could even start running, Momma gets ahold of me and starts to give me a bath, and for once id prefer the river.

after 15 minutes or so my bath was done, and I was too tired to even go to the river.

last thing I remember before I fell asleep was Raya returning.

(Raya) "Man he must be tired, did you enjoy it."

(Sisu) "How about go to bed, and never find out."

I know the answer, and it is the opposite of mine.


I'm running around with Raya, Momma, Aunt Pranee, Amba, uncle Pengu, and Jagon, all of sudden the skies turn red and fire everywhere. Raya and my family are fighting against a dragon, with wings, and Breathing fire.

I see lots of people in the crossfire, and are getting burned alive, it is getting harder and harder to breathe, soon I see my family and Raya on the ground burning, and not moving.

I look back at the other dragon standing there proud, and he yells

I am Malletoris, fear me, and worship me, and you will be spared, and if you don't you will end up like them.

he pointed to where my family is, then looks at me.

They died because of you, you did nothing to save your family, and now none shall oppose me, so thank you Now DIE!

*Dream End*

I jump up in a cold sweat, looking around frantically, seeing momma, looking at me.

(Sisu) "hey there did you have a bad dream? its ok I'm here, and will always be here"

she brought me right against her chest, where I could hear her heartbeat and it soothed me. I don't know if I screamed when I woke up, but found out by Pranee running to where we were.

(Pranee) "What happened, I herd a scream."

(Sisu) "its ok Ryuu had a bad dream."

(Pranee) "is he ok?"

(Sisu) "I'm not completely sure, it scared him pretty good."

(Pranee) "I think it would be a good idea if I stayed here with you 2, it might help him."

(Sisu) "your right."

soon enough Aunt Pranee layed down beside me, putting me in between both of them, and I stopped shaking, I didn't even know I was shaking, but I guess I was. Soon enough I fell asleep again.

(Hope you enjoyed.)

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