Chapter 13 (Stumbling Upon Disaster)

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Normally I would follow the river with big sis, but it is quicker going through the forest that is between Heart, and Talon, sure the river is safer, but will take us twice as long.

(Raya) "I have never seen anything like this before, its so dark, sure turning to stone, is quick and painless, but now. . . I can't even describe it."

"I wasn't there in the past, so I have nothing to go on, besides I'm a dragon, its not like I can read a book easily with these."

I showed her one of my paws which had several claws, almost like talons, near the bottom of my paw.

"I have tried. . . Me and books don't go together."

We weren't really talking much due to the current events going on.

After running for what seems like an hour I slowed down, and had Raya get off of me.

"Sorry Raya, this is as far as I can go for now, I need to catch my breath."

(Raya) "you are fine, by any chance, how much longer will it take to get to Talon, or do you not know.?"

"I'm not sure since Sisu isn't here, and I can't use the platforms. Maybe about 1/2 a day walking, could be longer."

We continue to walk in silence, that was for a few moments, until we both froze.

(Raya) "you feel that as well."


we are both looking around for the anger being shot towards us in waves, since it is pretty much dusk, and I'm sure Raya is loosing her eyesight, soon enough in front of us we can see the soft glow of yellow, and orange mixed together.

(Raya) "well I'm going to say it, this isn't good, we don't have any ranged wepo. ."

before she could even finish speaking I used one of my abilities, and shot lightning strait from above the area where the Druun are. Well to be exact it looked like I didn't do anything, and yes it came from me, but I activated it away from me, and the further it is, the less damage it does, so I hope they are at least stunned.

(Raya) "Did you just do that?"

Well what to do, tell her yes, or no, both haves pros and cons. Screw it.

"yeha it was me, but I'm getting more tired since I used it."

well half true, I'm tired from my wonderful hour long run, not from using my ability.

"we probably need to get out of here, that will probably only stun them, I never fought one so I don't know if it is going to wear off quickly or having enough time."

(Raya) "do you think you can carry me"

"I should be able to but not for long."

Raya gets back on top of me and we took off, and I ran faster than I did before, almost like we are flying, well that what she thought, but in reality since I still have my wings I was using them as well as jumping and running, and before you know it, we were at Talon. . . .

as soon as she got off me we both were stunned, the place looks fortified with walls and only 1 or 2 gates to get in surrounding the mountain.

the Last thing I remember is passing out on a bed.

(Contex Ryuu and Raya both got in and after seeing several wounded and finding the rest of the dragons Ryuu passed out due to exhaustion, he might have over did it a little bit. Sisu, Pranee, Pengu, Amba, and Jagon, all helped a little bit and got Ryuu in what looks like a giant dog bed, for dragons, on the floor, since the bed frames are a little weak for a dragon.)

As always keep an eye out for another chapter.

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