Chapter 2

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"You need help?" he asked turning to me again.

"I don't think I have much of a chance of success without some help, you know?"

"I'm going to need some more information if you want me to help you."

"Hm... Deal. Take me to a more private place and I'll tell you... everything.


I couldn't believe that I was asking a complete stranger to take me to a private place, but I didn't know how much time I had and I didn't believe that there were many more people in the kingdom who could see my clothes and not realize who I was. On the other hand, I had jumped on him and he hadn't been unfriendly with me. He seemed like a kind man.

"Okay, but if what you're doing isn't right with me, I'll take you with the guard."


I had to take the risk. On my own, I wouldn't get very far.

"I'll take the chance," I replied grinning at the hope of a new life.

"Okay, let's go to the stable where Sven is waiting. There we will talk."

"There will be nobody?"

"Not a very busy place."

"Perfect. Uhm... Do I follow you?"

This Kristoff guy laughed. A frank and clear but soft and melodious laugh that vibrated within me taking my breath away. That man's voice was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. Not even my beloved piano could compete against that voice. Then I felt his hand take mine in a firm and delicate grip and he began to pull me.

"Yeah, it will probably be easier this way."

He didn't say a word, he just gently slid his finger over mine letting me feel the roughness of his skin. He didn't seem to be lying about his work. Without a doubt, they were the hands of someone who had carved out his future. His heat was penetrating my skin, just as it had done as soon as I fell on him, and an absurd thought crossed my mind. That hand that held me... that warmth, that honest voice, I could follow them to the end of the world. Although, perhaps better after a good bath.

We hadn't walked much more than a couple of minutes when the air became a little more humid and hot and a wooden gate clattered behind me.

"Hey, buddy!" I heard him say then. "Take it easy, keep resting for a bit more. It will still take a while to get out."

"Is he your reindeer?"

I heard the animal move and my guts tightened a bit. I had never been near an animal with antlers. His footsteps slowly brought him closer to me until I felt a gigantic wet nose brush against my hand.

"Hi! You're Sven?"

The animal bellowed softly and I decided to carefully stroke his head. His fur was thick and strong, but no less soft for that, and the smell was almost as terrible as that of his human friend, but the energy that the animal gave off was impressively pleasant.

"You know what? I like you," I said smiling at that huge animal from the depths of my being while he gently pushed me with his head.

"It seems to be reciprocal," Kristoff said then with a tone between sweet and amused. "Hey, buddy, I need to talk to her for a moment. Don't look at me like that! You'll have time for that later."

"Later? So, you're not planning to take me with the guard?"

"I couldn't assure you, but I suppose you have a good reason for what you are doing when you have risked accepting that condition."

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