Chapter 8

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The cabin door slammed open and closed quickly.

"Kristoff? Do you need something?"

"Yes, take off your pants. Fast!"

"Wait, what?"

I heard him rush up to me and stop barely half a meter from me.

"I beg you, trust me."

Not understanding anything of what was happening but sensing the urgency in his tone, I quickly untied my pants and dropped them at my feet.

"Why did I have to...?"

I couldn't make another sound. Without seeing him coming, obviously, suddenly his arms wrapped around my body and held me against his with some desperation. He brought his head close to mine and brushed my ear with his lips.

"Just roll with it, okay?"

I nodded slowly somewhat lost, quite scared, and tremendously excited.

"I trust you."

At that moment, I could feel how a discreet smile lifted his cheeks and how he moved his lips to the corner of mine while one of his hands gently rose up my back and my neck to cover my head and press it lightly against his.

I couldn't believe it. What was that? Why so sudden? Why did I want him to go further?

His heat overwhelmed me, his breathing was subtly agitated, and, the hand that wasn't holding my head, was grabbing tightly to the excess fabric of my huge shirt by the waist. Suddenly, I no longer needed to understand anything; I just wanted to give myself to him.

I loved him back. I turned my head slightly until my lips found his and I was carried away with a level of longing that surprised me myself. My arms hung around his neck and entwined in his hair; I would almost say I dug my fingers into it. Then he loosened the pressure of his hand on my head, lifted me by the waist, rotated us so that my back was to the door, and raised his hand to rest eagerly and sweetly on my neck.

To explain the explosion of emotions and sensations that I experienced at that time, words have not been invented. The cold in my bare legs being totally annulled by his penetrating heat; the fervor and delicacy of his hand climbing up my back again; his lips and his wet tongue almost breathing for me; his two-day beard lightly scratching my face; his nose invading the rest of the free space of my face; his bangs entangling with mine... Little by little, the heat inside me stopped being related to what he transmitted to me and became the one that he provoked. Desire overcame me.

And then, the door opened again.

His hands tightened around my body and my heart shrank.

"Kristoff Bjorgman?"

Kristoff parted his lips from mine, pulled his hands away from my body, and stomped toward the door.

"I am. What do you want? I'm a little busy here, you know."

"It will be just a few minutes, Sir."

"A few minutes?!" he answered with an indignant tone. "I've not spent the salary of four days for you making me lose a few minutes!"


"I understand, Sir. Excuse the intrusion. We just want to know if you have any idea of Princess Anna's whereabouts. She has recently disappeared and we have thought that you might have assisted her at some point."

'Oh, no!'

"Ha! That's not the kind of princesses I assist. I don't know if you understand."

'Oh, my God! So, that was this about?!'

Shame swallowed me up completely. He had taken me that way to pose me as a prostitute and hide me from the guards. He was protecting me! He didn't mean to kiss me... and I...

"You have made it very clear, Sir. We do not waste your time anymore."

"I hope so."

The door closed and I could clearly hear the two men walking away laughing and mocking. Then, something collided with the door, probably his head, and I heard an almost infinite sigh coming out of his mouth.

I froze. What should I do? His footsteps, much more agile than before, moved around the room and then led him to me. Thus, positioned behind me, he carefully covered my body with a blanket and withdrew back a couple of steps.

"I'm really, really, really sorry! I heard them approaching and talking about asking about you and I knew that in this little room there would be nowhere to hide you; It was the only solution that crossed my mind, but I... I shouldn't have done it."

"You are sorry?" I asked turning towards him somewhat afraid that his reason for regretting it was that he didn't want to have that kind of closeness with me.

"I have not treated you with the respect you deserve. I am so sorry."

So that's what he was thinking. A kind of calm invaded me as I didn't feel rejected but treasured, although that answer didn't make it clear at all how he felt about me.

"I appreciate it."

"Wait, what?!"

"If it hadn't been for you, they would be taking me back to the castle right now."

"Maybe, but... Aggh!"

I heard him scratching his head vigorously and had to laugh. Then, I put my arm through the blanket and reached for his trying to give him some comfort.

"Hey, I'm not going to tell you this is how I imagined my first kiss, but... I bet the next one will be better."

I could feel him take a deep breath and tighten the posture instead of relaxing it as I expected.

"And now that they must be far enough, how about going for the firewood? I am even hungrier than before."

'Although this is a different kind of hunger.'

"Oh... the firewood... Sure! I'm coming!"

He let go of my arm and ran to the door. There, he paused for a second, opened slowly and heavily, and, just before stepping outside and closing again, he whispered almost imperceptibly.

"Just so you know, you are the only princess who has been here."

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