Chapter 10

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"You're still on time to back out."

Kristoff slowed down as we approached the place where his family lived.

He didn't mention it at any time. The day before I had kissed him when he was only pretending he was kissing me, and since then, he hadn't known why. Would that seemed normal to him? Wouldn't he cared at all? Did he know the answer and didn't want to hear it so he didn't have to reject me? Anyway, being ashamed and hiding wouldn't get me anywhere. I was terrified, but not ready to run away. Not from him.

"No! After everything you've told me, I'm looking forward to meeting them all even more!"

"I just told you that they are heavy and that they poke their nose into everything! Is that what you want to witness?"

"You've also told me that they are well-meaning and that they take a lot of care of you. Plus, it sounds like they're fun."

"Guess they are."

For some reason, the heavy snow that had covered everything hadn't gotten there. It was a warm and humid area that, somehow, made me feel a little tense; as if the place was charged with mysticism.

"Well, then. You asked for it. Meet my family."

He was right. I was not prepared for that.

Suddenly, a wild tremor shook the ground, a brutal shouting shook everything else, and like two hundred cold, rough, and suspiciously hard hands touched my face, my arms, my back, my head, and even my legs. Was that his family? How many were they supposed to be?!

"Enough! Give her space, you are overwhelming her!"

Kristoff put his body around me like a shield, and finally there was some silence.

"So you've finally found someone you care about, huh?" a mature woman's voice commented with a tone between mocking and endearing.

"Ma, this is Anna."

'He hasn't denied it... Wait, ma? Okay, now I'm nervous.'

Kristoff carefully undid the human shield he had provided me and the hand of an extremely short person took mine.

"Sorry for the fuss, dear. This is the first time that this boy has brought someone who does not have antlers."

"No... it is fine, Mrs..."

"Oh, come on. Leave the titles aside. So old do you see me?"

"She can't see you, Bulda," The voice of an old man broke in, making my little problem clear. "Her gaze is frozen."

I didn't see it coming. Did that man know about Elsa?

"What do you mean, Grand Pabbie?" Kristoff asked intrigued.

"Exactly what I said. Her gaze is frozen. Someone has put ice on her eyes, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to get the light back."

"The light? Could I get my sight back?"


Until then, I had longed to regain my sight. I wanted to see the sea again, the sunset, the clouds, the faces of the people... But, at that moment, I wanted it more than ever. I wanted to see him. I wanted to see his eyes. I wanted to know how he looked at me. I wanted to see him smiling.

"It is not impossible, but certainly complicated."

"What do we need to do, Pabbie?!"

"Oh, son. The only thing that can unfreeze a frozen gaze is being able to see true love."

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