Chapter 16: Bone, Devil, and Tiger

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Robin's POV

"Brook, let's get out of here! I don't want her to ruin this great place." I said and Brook and I started running outside the cathedral.

"Ahhhhhh! Robin-san there's a huge Tiger running after us. I'm scared that my heart is beating so fast. Ah! I don't have a heart to beat so fast because I'm just bones. Yohohohoho!"

"Where do you think you're going, Bone! Devil Child! You can't escape me! You are just rats, and I'm a cat and you are my prey!" we've left the cathedral and that huge tiger. A lot of people are around and the time they saw that tiger they caused a panic everywhere.

"What's going on here?"

"What is that tiger doing inside the Cathedral?"

"Now what?! Everything is in chaos now. Those Fairy Tail are causing trouble again!"

"Ahhhh!!! Save me!!!!"

"Those people from the Cathedral are not from Fairy Tail!"

"What?! Then who are those people?"

"Robin-san the people are panicking what are we going to do?" Brook said and he is panicking himself

"Let's take down this cat or she'll eat us alive."

"Ahhhh Don't say that Robin-san! You're scary!"

I cross my arms to attack but for a huge tiger she moves fast. I dodge her attack, she stomp that place I'm standing earlier.

"Wait, rats let's play shall we?"

"How rude we are not rats kitty cat! Now I'm mad! I don't care how huge you are but we will take you down." Brook said seriously and unleash his sword and point it at the tiger

"Soul Solid,Aubade Coup Droit!" he used that attack as he jump until he reach the face of the tiger and he creates a higly blast that make the tiger scream in pain. I take this chance to attack.

"Gigantesco Mano, Spank!" I create a huge arm of mine and spank that tiger on the face. She falls down to the ground 

"Yatta! You did it Robin-san." I looked at the tiger but she gets up like nothing happened

"Do you think that useless attacks will defeat me? Eat This!" She said and let a blow to us with her paws. Brook and I were able to dodge it but we don't the second time he punches her paws on us.

"My body feels like they were crushed to the bones, Ah I'm just bones so that will be bad news for me! Yohohohoho!" Brook still got some energy to joke in our situation. We are crush down to the ground by this extra size kitten.

I can't believe I spent 2 years improving my ability just to get beaten by a cat. 

"Hahahahaha! Now Nico Robin! What are you going to do now? Just surrender and I will spare your life."

"I'm not going to lose to a damn cat like you! Gigantesco Mano...." I said as I stand on top of the Cathedrals roof

"Huh? What are you doing there? Who is this one?" The clone of mine vanished under her paw


"Robin-san so cool!!! Ah w-wait I'm still here!!!!" Brook said and he escapes from Rin's paw and I stamp her tiger body with my gigantic feet

"Look gigantic legs just sprout from nowhere!" I heard from the citizen said

"S-stop it I'm going to die.." Rin beg me to stop from stomping her but I don't

"That's what I'm intended to do!"

"Eh?! Ah Yue-kun!!! Save me!!!" She was stomp really hard to the ground until she return back to her original form

"Robin-san your scary but at the same time you’re so cool!!!" Brook said from below

"Cien Fluer! Wing!!!"

"Oh look at that! The woman from the roof of the cathedral is flying!" I came down by creating wings using my ability.

"H-H-how did you do that?" Rin said and she has a hard time speaking

"That was a clone from the start. My real body was at the top of the roof top all along when we went out of the Catheral." I explained 

"I-I-I hate you all!!! I hate you pirates! You don't deserve to live! I-I-I!!" she said and cries. Tears are falling hardly from her eyes.

"Why do you hate pirate so much?" I asked

"I have nothing to say to you filty pirate!" She yelled

"Hey stop insulting us will you!" Brook said

"I hate pirates because pirates killed my parents!!" She said she won't tell us anything but she now tell us why she hates pirates

"Mom and Dad were killed by pirates like you guys!!! I'll never forgive them for what they've done to our town!"

"We are not those pirates who killed your parents. Why are you taking your anger at them to us?" Brook asked a bit angry

"Because you filthy pirates are all the same! All pirates should just die!" She yelled while crying. She tries to get up with her body shaking.

“Do you still intend to fight on your condition?” Brook asked

“Yeah! I’m going to kill you this time. Neko Neko no Cheetah!” Now she turned into a cheetah and she’s faster than last time. Her size is just the size of the usual cheetah.

“My eyes can’t keep up with her amazing speed. Even though I don’t have eyes to see her movements. Yohohohoho.”

“This will be the end! Die!” Rin yelled and attack me continuously I didn’t even know what she is doing but I’m taking damage. I can’t see her movements she’s so fast

“Robin-san! Don’t worry I will help you.” I heard Brook said and I just shield my face with my arms

“Hahahahaha What’s wrong Nico Robin? Can’t keep up with me?” I followed her movements by my senses besides my eyes. I close them and feel her presence. She stops on attacking me but she keeps on running around.

“STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!” Brook yelled and I predicted her next move she will attack Brook

“Brook behind you!” I yelled and Brook stab her on her shoulder

“Eh?” he said

“What? What happened?”

“Cien Fleur!” I grab her arms and legs when she returns back to normal. I will secure her movements so that she won’t fight back anymore

“I-I- Rin just want to avenge her parents…” She cried again and I approach her

“You will gain nothing on revenge. You will just be the loser at the end.” I said

“Shut up! You don’t know anything!”

“Maybe I don’t but think about this. Does killing us or the pirates that killed your parents will bring them back to life? Will you be happy after you avenge them? Do you think they want their daughter shedding blood just to avenge them?” She didn’t say anything and just stare at the sky. I tie her down to the ground with my arms.

Saul, can I teach this girl on how to be happy like you thought me before? I guess everyone has their one dark past that they can't forget.               


To be continued...

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