Chapter 2: Lost

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Meanwhile at the Thousand Sunny...

"Luffy any big catch?" Sanji asked Luffy from the deck

"None." Luffy said with a sad face

Luffy, Brook and Usopp are fishing for their meal today cause of the feast they have for whole straight 3 days. And Sanji is angry because they don't have any more stock food, that's why he asked those 3 to catch fish.

"Yawn...this may take time" Usopp said yawning

"But it's worth it Yohohoho"

The Straw Hats are taking a little break before they go to the next island to store some food. They just been to this Island called Hanabi Island. They thought that they can get food from this Island because it's an island full of plants. But they didn't find anything to eat because that plants that are living in this island where all man-eating plants and the island was full of huge beast.

"That island that we have just been are really scary, right Ussop-san" Brook said

"Yah your right. All we just do is run for our lives. Pheew..." Usopp said still sitting and holding his fishing pole

"Don't worry about it surely we can get a big catch here. shishihishisi" Luffy encourage them

"Oh Oh Oy Oy Oy Luffy-san I think I get a big catch here." Brook said while pulling with all his might that fishing pole

"Hurry Usopp let's help him." Luffy said running towards Brook then grabbed brook fishing pole and Usopp also join them pulling their pole

Finally they catch the fish. It's a elephant fish and it's gigantic.

"Wooohooo it's so big!!!" they said in unison

Meanwhile the sleeping Zoro was awaken because the elephant fish landed on him.

"Gwaaahh" Zoro screamed the time the fish landed on him

"Sorry Zoro, look at the size of this fish! hahahahaha."

"Te me Luffy why did you land that thing on me."

"Wahahahaha!!! Sanji!!! look at this....It's so big...." Luffy shouted


"They are making that ruckus again" Nami said annoyingly because she is making her maps and she don't want to get distracted.

(Crow's Nest)

"Robin, look there was a man floating in the log there." Chopper said while looking at the telescope

"Your right. Luffy there was a man floating over there at 2:00" Robin shouted from the Crow's Nest

"Huh." Everyone said

"Luffy can you get him aboard I want to help him" Chopper said

"Okay." Luffy said

Luffy stertch his hand to pull the man floating at the ocean. And he grabbed it and take it to Sunny.

"Is he alive?" Franky asked

"Chopper!" Luffy shouted

"Be right there!" Chopper said. Robin came down with Chopper to tell it to Nami and Sanji.

"What? It might be a bad guy!" Nami said

Nami and Robin rush their way to Chopper's clinic where they bring the guy.

"Luffy!? Why did you bring that guy over here?!" Nami scolded Luffy

"Because Chopper wants to help him. And we will just kicked him out if he is a dangerous guy."

"Yes Nami-san I will protect you and Robin-chan from this guy." Sanji said happily making a weird face and his eyes turned in to a pink heart

"But-" Nami said and look at Chopper but Chopper give him a determined look

"Nami I don't care who he is, I am a doctor and I want to save him." Chopper said

"Okay just be careful of him okay."

"Okay thanks Nami, Luffy."

"Shishishishi don't worry about it." Luffy said

"We're going out Chopper call us if he wake up okay" Nami said


"I will stay here until he wakes up." Luffy said then give then a smile



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Fairy Tail X One Piece (crossover) [1st Place in FT Watty Awards]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora