Chapter 18: Dancing with the Blades

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Lucy's POV

“Ah~! That was a nice bath!” I said after I come out of the bathroom with my bath towel only covering my body and hair.

I pick my pink spaghetti strap top and black skirt. I change into those clothes and fix my hair.

“I guess I will stop by the guild now.” I take my bag and close my house and went outside, then suddenly a huge crash from the building at the east of my house, caught my attention.

“What was that?!” I said and run towards that direction to see what happened

“Hey, isn’t that Titania.”

“Yeah, she’s fighting some three swords style man with green hair.”

“They are both monsters.”

“Let’s get out of here; we might get caught at their fight.”

“You’re right.”

I heard the people said while evacuating the area. Titania? Erza? Is he talking about Erza? I run towards the area and I did saw Erza in her Japanese Cloth armor with two swords.

Why is she fighting and creating havoc in town? I search for her opponent and by my surprised it was Roronoa Zoro, from the Straw Hat Pirates that we’ve encounter during our last mission. But why are they fighting?

I ran towards them and get in between them. Erza looks exhausted so for Zoro. They are both catching their breath. Both of them are standing still but they are both taken a lot of damage, not only to themselves but also in town. The buildings are crushed and it’s a mess around this area.

“Erza?! Zoro?! Why are you two fighting?!” I asked

“Lucy?! What are you doing here? Move aside, I’m going to finish this.” Erza said

“Hey wait! What’s going on here?” I said

“So do you want to finish this already? I’m just getting started.” Zoro said grinning at Erza

I’m really confused. Can someone tell me what’s going on?

“Move Lucy!” Erza yelled

“Erza…” Erza grabbed my wrist and just throw me at the sky and started an attack to Zoro but he dodges it. Never mind that I’m flying!!! AAAAAHhHHHHh now I’m falling!!!!


“Lucy?! Why are you flying?”

“Happy!” Happy caught me in my arms in the air.

“Huh? Isn’t that Erza? Finally I’ve found them.”

“Hey wait Happy what’s going on here?”

“Long story, for now let’s get back to Natsu and Gray first.”

Happy brought me down and Natsu, Gray, Juvia, and Nami are together. What are the Straw Hats doing here in Magnolia. I was just about an hour at the bathroom and many things happened already!


“Oh Gray! Can you explain to me what’s happening?”

“We’ve seen Erza and Zoro. They are still fighting.” Happy said

“Good job Happy lead the way. Lucy I will tell you along the way.” Gray said

As we run towards where I’ve been earlier Gray told me that the guild kidnapped Chopper. Technically Mira-san’s cousin and the guild were helping him to catch the Straw Hats. So that’s why Erza and Zoro are fighting.

“What an intense fight.” Gray said as we arrived and they are having a heated battle

“HAAAAAAAAh!!!!” Erza charges at Zoro with her two swords and Zoro block them with his swords

“Santoryuu Tasumaki!!!” Zoro attacked and it created a huge blast of hurricane at Erza and the strong force also caught us

Erza was blown by the hurricane and she was down to the ground. Zoro run towards her and points out the tip of his sword in Erza.


“Luffy?!” Luffy run towards him

“What do you think you’re doing huh?!” Luffy scolded Zoro. He unsheathed his swords

“But she got Chopper!”

“I know but are you really planning to kill her!” Luffy yelled again

“But that’s what he tried to do to Natsu earlier.” Gray said

“Eh really? Natsu?” I said

“Ah, I was just caught off guard that’s all.” Natsu said

“Erza-san are you okay?” Juvia asked as we approach Erza

“Ah! Thank you Juvia.” Erza said while Juvia is helping her to get up I also help her up

“This is a huge misunderstanding. We just got here at Magnolia and we don’t know what’s happening at the guild.” Gray explained to Zoro

“Is that so. Sorry about that Erza, that was a nice fight. You’re pretty good. You’re like dancing with your blades.”

“That’s alright. I enjoyed fighting with you too.” Erza said changing into her usual armor

“Alright, everything is clear now right? Let’s go find Chopper!” Nami said



To be continued...

Next Chapter.... "My Nakama"

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